FIG Affiliate Members

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Benefits of Being an Affiliate Member of FIG

Benefits of Being an Affiliate Member of FIG

The world is changing, becoming smaller. The challenges facing all organisations continue to increase. Although some of these challenges are specifically national, or peculiar to a particular discipline of surveying, many of them face all survey organisations around the world. The need to share information and experiences therefore is vital.

 The membership of FIG represents surveyors of all disciplines, working in the public, private and academic sectors in more than 120 countries. FIG has built strong links with UN Agencies and the World Bank. The Federation is the premier international organisation representing the interests of surveyors worldwide. It provides an international forum for discussion and development aiming to promote professional practice and standards. FIG is therefore able to bring together the survey profession to learn and to develop its capacity to address global and local challenges.

As an Affiliate Member of FIG, you and your organisation will be able to

  • Build links with other government organisations around the world, including those responsible for mapping, cadastre, valuation and spatial information management.
  • Participate in a Director General Forum and Reception at each FIG Working Week and Congress.
  • Engage with other FIG members, including national survey associations and academic members.
  • Appoint delegates to some or all of FIG’s 10 Technical Commissions, enabling you to contribute to and benefit from their work.

Establishing a Partnership between FIG and the National Agencies

FIG has established a regular Forum with the Directors Generals (DGs) of government organisations that cover the broad range of activities within the FIG Definition of a Surveyor. The objective of the Forum is to discuss local, regional and global issues facing these agencies such as capacity building, institutional and organisational development, broad policy and development issues such as contributing to the Millennium Development Goals, sustainable development, and spatial enablement of government.

Even though many officers at DG level engage with FIG through its activities, FIG has no formal process to engage with DGs of government agencies. This is the background to establishing the Forum, which meets at each FIG annual conference.

FIG recognizes that in order to strengthen and promote the spatial and land related disciplines, it must engage with the professional survey associations, the private and academic sectors, and the government sector. FIG engages with the land related professions to discuss areas of strategic interest. In addition FIG engages with UN Agencies and the World Bank to discuss issues of international significance with particular emphasis on less developed countries. From a technical perspective FIG engages with major private companies and technology vendors through forums and technical displays at conferences. And through its Commission 2 and other commissions, and the FIG Education Database FIG actively engages with the academic sector.

FIG is the only international organisation in the spatial and land related area that covers both mapping and land administration functions. In recent years it has become increasingly evident that sustainable development can only be achieved by integrating both mapping and cadastral/land registry data.

How to join

Already a number of government organisations have joined FIG as Affiliate Members. To join them costs €790 per year (€395 for organisations from low income and lower middle income countries, re. World Bank country list). To do so, complete the application form or contact the FIG Office.

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