News in 2022

Statement from FIG Council

March 2022

The last few days have shown us how fragile the world can be. FIG Council expresses its disapproval of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is against all fundamental principles of the global community regarding a peaceful and respectful living together.

Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with all the citizens of Ukraine an especially our Ukrainian colleagues and members. We follow with sadness this humanitarian tragedy and non-acceptable situation in Ukraine carefully. At the same time we ask the Russian government to stop the invasion of the souverain territory of Ukraine immediately.

Due to this devastating act of the Russian Government, we have received several requests to expel or suspend the Russian members of FIG. For a non-political worldwide federation like FIG this is not the right way forward. We believe in dialogue and peaceful settlement of disputes, and want to keep the international communication channels with our Russian colleagues open.

We believe that the UN charter is the fundament of a peaceful and respectful living together. The International Federation of Surveyors fully supports the statement given by the Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Regarding the FIG Congress 2022, we continue to monitor the situation carefully but there is currently no reason to believe that this will affect our plans. We hope and are looking forward to seeing you 11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw Poland.

The FIG Statutes state:

2.2 The Federation shall abstain from any interference in questions of a political, racial or religious nature.
2.3 The Federation shall not permit any of its activities to be influenced by statements or actions of a political, social or religious nature.

FIG is a member of the International Science Council. Please note statements from other International Scientific Organisations:

The ISC has a clear position on conference and events boycotts: since it withdraws the right from those concerned to engage in scientific enquiry, pursue and communicate knowledge, and to associate freely in such activities.

Due to the current situation in Poland especially in regard to the high number of refugees, on 11 March we have announced that until further notice Russian participants and delegates are not welcome at the Congress 2022. This step actually violates the statutes of FIG and FIG Council has with this action stepped over their actual authorities, however FIG Council has found this step necessary because the Congress is taking place in Poland.

FIG is against any war in the world at any time and any act that violates the fundamental human rights. As a non-political organisation FIG works on the SDGs and other world-wide agendas in a factual and constructive way within our statutes for the wellbeing of society and our profession.



FIG Council
1 March 2022, updated 11 March and 31 March

©2025 FIG