News in 2022

FIG General Assembly 2022

4 September online - 11 and 15 September in Warsaw, Poland and online

The General Assembly was held differently than normally with one session online one week before the FIG Congress and two sessions onsite during the Congress. All elections were held electronically.

Before the General Assembly all member associations had been requested to submit information about their official delegate who would be voting on behalf of the association. In total 78 members registered which amounted to a total of 94 votes. Roll call

Session 1: General Agenda items

At this online meeting all general agenda items were presented in a two-hour online session. FIG President Rudolf Staiger presented his report of the past year; again a different year that was overshadowed by the pandemic and no possibility to travel and meet. The pandemic also had an impact on the finances as FIG had given all members a 20% reduction of membership fee. All commission and network chairs presented their work during the past year, also looking back on the past four years as this was the last year of their term.

FIG was founded in 1878 which means that 2028 will mark the 150th anniversay of FIG. The inaiguration of FIG took place in Paris, France, and the two French associations had expressed their interest in hosting the FIG Working Week 2028 so that the celebration of the 150th anniversary could take place in Paris. FIG Council asked the members to give Council authority to select the venue for 2028. Normally the General Assembly will select

Furthermore, two new Honorary members were suggested, Volker Schwieger, Germany, and Stephen Djaba, Ghana.

Plese find here all reports:

The minutes will be uploaded and sent out to all members when ready.

Session 2: Get to know your candidates

This session took place in Warsaw, Poland on 11 September 2022. It was a different session, aiming to present the President and Vice President candidates. They had all submitted a video and other material before the General Assembly, and the session was therefore built up to show a different side of the candidates.

The four Vice President candidates Brian Davies, Canada, Daniel Steudler, Switzerland, Qin Yan, China and Winnie Shiu, USA, were all asked to give a maximum 10 minute presentation based of the following questions:

  1.  Why are you a good candidate?
  2. Why do you want to be FIG Vice President?
  3. What will your contributions be/what are your targets for the coming 4 years?
  4. One fun fact about you…

The President candidates, Abbas Rajabifard, Australia, Diane Dumashie, UK, and Orhan Ercan, Turkey, were given a list of potential questions in advance for preparation, and FIG President Rudolf Staiger asked a number of these questions to the three candidates.

Read more about the candidates and see the voting results

President candidate Q&A session

The three candidates for President, Abbas Rajabifard, Orhan Ercan and Diane Dumashie were interviewed by FIG President Rudolf Staiger

Brian Davies, Canada

Daniel Steudler, Switzerland

Qin Yan, China

Winnie Shiu, USA

Session 3: results

Session 3 was held on 15 September and included first and foremost the results of the elections.

Elected were:

President for the term 2023-2026:

Vice Presidents for the term 2023-2026:

Election results



Further reading:

On-site council at the third General Assembly session

Honorary members Volker Schwieger and Stephen Djaba

Elected: Diane Dumashie, President; Vice Presidents Daniel Steudler and Winnie Shiu

Roll call

The General Assembly voted in favour of letting FIG Council select the destination for the specail year 2028 that marks the 150th anniversary of FIG. The two French associations thanked for the opportunity to host this event

Grant recipients of the FIG Foundation Young Surveyors travel grant

A very big thanks to the local organising committee - here co-congress director Krzysztof Bakuła

Responsible for sponsors and exhibitors Tomasz Malinovski receives a big thanks from the president

Handing over the flag from the local organisers 2022 til the organising committee 2023

Co-conference director Krzysztof Bakuła hands over the FIG Flag to John Hohol, co-conference director FIG Congress 2023

Looking forward to meeting all and many more again in 2023 in Orlando, Florida, USA - save the dates: 28 May - 1 June 2023


Louise Friis-Hansen
13 October 2022

©2025 FIG