FIG Commission 3

Minutes of the Meetings in Athens

Meeting 1:
ate: Sunday, May 23, 2004; 15:00 - 16:30
Hotel Intercontinental - Room Theta

Meeting 2:
Tuesday, May 25, 2004; 17:45 - 18:45
Hotel Intercontinental - Room VIP


1. Welcome address; Opening

Chair of Commission 3, Gerhard Muggenhuber, welcomes all participants of the Annual Meeting and he welcomes specially the Honorary President of FIG Bob Foster and FIG Council Member Bettina Petzold.

2. Adoption of Agenda


3. Introduction of Participants

All 29 participants introduced themselves and gave a short report on their actual work on
Commission 3 relevant issues.

4. Report of Commission Chair (Gerhard Muggenhuber)
  • General Assembly elected Stig ENEMARK and Ken ALLRED as Vice Presidents of FIG.
    BECKER was appointed as a Honorary Member of FIG.
  • Two nominations for Commission 3 Chair (period 2006-2010): Chryssy POTSIOU and Rob MAHONEY. Both candidates are well qualified for this position. The Commission Chair appeals to both candidates to proceed their cooperation in Commission 3 independent on the outcome of the election.
    (Ann.: Chryssy POTSIOU was appointed as incoming COM3 Chair during the second meeting of the General Assembly, 26 May, 2004)
  • Surveyors Reference Library: All papers of the FIG conferences will be included to the data base (maybe indication of high quality papers). Quries on keywords and authors will be enabled.
  • Marrakech statement: First draft will be discussed with the president of FIG, Holger MAGEL, during the FIG Working Week in Athens. The Marrakech Declaration will be published at the UN-HABITAT-Forum in Sept. 2004. FAO and UN are involved in compiling this paper.
  • New possibility to finance Commission specific projects: grants can be applied at the FIG Office.
  • The 4th volume of the Electronic Newsletter of COM3 will be distributed at the end of this year. All delegates, colleagues and friends of COM3 are requested to send COM3 relevant information (papers, presentations, project descriptions, etc.) to COM3 Chair, Gerhard MUGGENHUBER, or to COM3 Vice Chair on Administration and Information, Reinfried MANSBERGER.
  • Venues for the COM3 Annual Meetings in 2005 and 2006 will be discussed during the Annual Meeting of Commission 3 in Jakarta. Proposals for venues welcomed (Please send your proposals to COM3 Chair, Gerhard MUGGENHUBER, or to COM3 Vice Chair on Administration and Information, Reinfried MANSBERGER.
  • Chair of COM 8, Diane DUMASHI and Gerhard agreed a closer cooperation between the two commissions in the future. A first meeting of interested person on a joint activity took place in Athens. 
    (Ann.: Outcomes of the mentioned meeting, as reported by Rob Mahoney: Com 8 is going to put together a typical theoretic example / model of Urban sprawl issues. All aspects of professional involvement will then be asked to contribute as to how their professional skills could be used to address the issues. All COM3 working groups are covered by the work and will have the opportunity to participate. COM8 is heading for a publication for Munich. COM3 will contribute and peer review / input as appropriate).
5. Activity Reports of FIG3 Commission Working-Group Chairs and Task Forces
  • WG 3.1: Report given by Kari STRANDE, Chair of WG).
    Open pdf-file for more information.

  • WG 3.2: No oral report (Chair Keith MURRAY and Vice Chair Martin SCHEU could not attend the conference in Athens). Helen MURRAY gives a feedback on the international conference "Impacts of Improving the Positional Accuracy of GI Databases", held in Malahide, near Dublin, Ireland. The event was sponsored by EuroSDR, Dublin Institute of Technology [DIT], FIG and was co-organised by Ordnance Survey [GB].
    A written summary about the conference was
    prepared by Keith Murray.
  • WG 3.3 (Chair: Chryssy POTSIOU) incl. WG on "Cost effective surveying" (Report by Chryssy)
    • Updating and collecting information for the Working Group - website (Development and state of the art of SIM and establishing a FIG metadata base about SDI /;
      All delegates are requested to provide information to the website. Please send relevant material to Chryssy POTSIOU.
    • Cooperation with ECE/WPLA (Producing Guidelines on Land Administration - joint with Peter DALE (Honorary president of FIG); The first draft is finished and will be revised within the next weeks.
  • Joint WG 5.4 (Com3+Com5+Com7): Cost effective surveying: It is intended to publish a "Guideline for Cost Effective Mapping" until the FIG Congress in Munich 2006.
    Some discussion on the name of the Working Group and on the content of the guideline.

  • Joint WG 2.4: No report (Chair Bela MARKUS could not attend the COM3 meeting. Due to his new job at UN-ECA in Addis Abbeba, Vice Chair Muhammed TIMOULALI was not able to participate at the conference).
    (Ann.: Bela MARKUS was appointed as incoming COM2 Chair during the second meeting of the General Assembly, 26 May, 2004)

  • Inter-COM-Activity Com7 + Com3 "3D-Cadastre": No report (Delegate of COM3 Yerach Doytsher could not attend the second meeting of COM3 to report about activities).
6. Incoming events
7. Any other business
  • Gerhard Muggenhuber thanks all the participants for their attendance and their contributions.
Participants (at least at one meeting):

Jan BARES (Czech Republic), Jiri CÁLEK (Czech Republic),  Rahmi ÇELIK (Turkey),
Trinh Anh CO (Vietnam)
, Yerach DOYTSHER (Israel), Robert W. FOSTER (USA),
Richard GRAIG (UK), Jens HOLLÄNDER (Denmark), Joanna HUIDEGAARD (Denmark),
Paul KELLY (Australia),
Rafic KHOURI (France), Sourigna KONGKHAM (Laos),
Peter LAARAKKER (The Netherlands),
Rob MAHONEY (UK), Reinfried MANSBERGER (Austria), Robin McLAREN (UK), Georgi MILEV (Bulgaria), Gerhard MUGGENHUBER (Austria) ,
Hartmut MÜLLER (Germany), Helen MURRAY (Ireland), Charles PEARSON (USA),
Bettina PETZOLD (Germany), Chryssy POTSIOU (Greece), Szalbolcs MIHALY (Hungary),
Dan SCHNURR (UK), Kari STRANDE(Norway), Mani Xay THONG CHANH (Laos),
Le Quy THUC (Vietnam)
, Tor VALSTAD (Norway).

Athens, May 2004; Reinfried Mansberger

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