FIG Commission 3

Minutes of the Annual Meeting in Jakarta

Date of Meeting: Tuesday, October 5th, 2004; 13:30 - 15:00

Place of Meeting: Hotel JW Marriott - Permata Room


1. Welcome address; Opening

Chair of Commission 3, Gerhard Muggenhuber, welcomes the participants of the Annual Meeting and He welcomes especially Erik van der Zee and Pedro De Sousa Xavier: Both participate for the first time in a COM 3 Annual Meeting.
Gerhard Muggenhuber apologised the Chairs of WG 3.2 (Keith Murray) of WG 3.3 (Chryssy Potsiou) of joint working group 2.4 (Bela Markus) and the Co-Chair of Inter-COM Activity on 3D-Cadastre (Yerach Doytsher).

2. Adoption of Agenda


3. Introduction of Participants

All 5 participants of the Annual Meeting 2004 introduced themselves and gave a short report on their actual work on Commission 3 relevant issues.

4. Report of Commission Chair (Gerhard Muggenhuber)
5. Activity Reports of FIG3 Commission Working-Group Chairs and Task Forces
  • WG3.1: (Chair Kari Strande ): A FIG publication “Best Practice Guideline on eGovernment” (Working title) will be prepared by the working group “eGovernment and eCitizen” until the FIG Congress in Munich. Therefore the working group will meet during the FIG Working Week in Cairo to discuss the next activities. Kari is proposing a special workshop with all the members of the working group until autumn 2005 to elaborate the publication. All colleagues interested on a cooperation are welcomed. Please contact Kari Strande for more information.
    Kari also informed about the activities of the Joint Working Group with Commission 8, 4, 7 and 9 – „Spatial Land Planning Implications in Informal Settlements“. The head of the working group, Diane Dumashi (also Chair of FIG Commission 8)
    , prepared a proposal for the activities within the working group that should be discussed during the FIG Working Week in Cairo.
  • WG3.2, No oral report by the Chair of WG (Chair Keith Murray a could not attend the conference in Jakarta)
  • WG3.3: No oral report by the Chair of WG (Chair Chryssy Potsiou could not attend the conference in Jakarta)
  • Joint WG2.4: No oral report by the Chair (Chair Bela Markus had a presentation at the same time and could not attend the COM3 meeting on Tuesday)
  • Inter-COM-Activity Com7 + Com3 "3D-Cadastre": No oral report by the representative of COM3. (Co-Chair of Commission Yerach Doytsher could not attend the conference in Marrakech). At FIG WW Athens several sessions will focus on that topic.
  • Joint WG 8.3: Kari Strande informed about the activities in this joint working group of Commission 3,4,7 and 8 under the leadership of Commission 8.
6. Annual Meeting of Commission 3 in the year 2005

Unfortunately the attendance at the present Annual Meeting was very poor. As the Commission Officers are interested in a strong participation of delegates and correspondents at the Annual Meeting, the Chair of Commission 3 will  immediately start a survey on the next venue as basis for a final decision on the venue of our "Annual Commission Meeting 2005". In general there are four options for our next meeting:

  • COM3 Annual Meeting during the FIG Working Week in Cairo (16-21 April, 2005),

  • COM3 Annual Meeting during the 4th FIG Regional Conference in Havana/Cuba (most likely end of Sept.2005).

  • COM 3 Annual Meeting in early September 2005 in Hungary (organised in Sopron by Bela Markus) within a joint COM2/COM3 conference on "Innovation in SIM and Knowledge Transfer".

  • COM3 Annual Meeting in autumn 2005 in Vienna or in Copenhagen including a COM3 workshop for finalizing COM3-related FIG publication "SIM in e-government" (Working Title).

Gerhard Muggenhuber and Reinfried Mansberger will sent a questionnaire (Ann. in the meantime the questionnaire was sent) to all delegates and correspondents to get response about the most appropriate venue for the next Annual Meeting.

Ann.: We received 25 responses with a clear majority for Cairo as venue. So the Chair of Commission 3 decided to organise the Annual Meeting 2005 during the FIG Working Week in Cairo (planned: 17th April, 2005, 14:00 - 16:30, venue TBA).

7. Incoming events
8. Any other business
  • Gerhard Muggenhuber announced the next Electronical Newsletter of Commission 3 for the beginning of the year 2005 and requests contributions for this CD. Please send all "Spatial Data Information"-relevant papers, links, conference proceedings (on national, regional or global level) to Gerhard Muggenhuber or Reinfried Mansberger (or CD to their addresses).

  • Gerhard Muggenhuber thanks all the participants for their attendance and their contributions.


Reinfried MANSBERGER, Gerhard MUGGENHUBER, Andras OSSKO (deputy representative of Hungary), Kari STRANDE, Erik van der ZEE, Pedro de SOUSA XAVIER;

Jakarta, Oct. 2004; Reinfried Mansberger

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