FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education

Working Groups

Work Plans

Term 2019-2022
Term 2015-2018
Term 2011-2014
Term 2007-2010
Term 2003-2006

Working Groups

Working Groups

Term 2019-2022 

WG2.1: Developing academic networks for knowledge sharing
WG2.2: Innovative learning and teaching / "Curriculum on the Move"  
WG2.3: Learning styles in surveying education (Joint working group with Young Surveyors Network)

Term 2015-2018

WG2.1: Towards educating the land professional
WG2.2: Innovative learning and teaching
WG2.3: Demand for and supply of Professional Education
WG2.4: Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Term 2011-2014

WG2.1: Curriculum and Core Survey Knowledge
WG2.2: Learning and Teaching Methodology
WG2.3: Marketing and Management of Professional Survey Education
WG2.4: Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Term 2007-2010

WG2.1: Curriculum development
WG2.2: e-Learning
WG2.3: Educational management and marketing

Term 2003-2006

WG2.1: Virtual Academy
WG2.2: The Studies of Surveying in Latin America
WG2.3: Mutual Recognition
WG2.4: Knowledge in Spatial Information Management (A Joint Working Group with Commission 3)
WG2.5: Capacity building in Land Management (A Joint Working Group with Commission 7)

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