FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate

Work Plan 2003-2006


Valuation and the Management of Real Estate

Original work plan in .pdf-format.

Mr. Stephen Yip, Chairperson of Commission 9.

Terms of reference

  • Valuation - the estimating of value of real estate by valuers and appraisers, for various purposes, including market value, property taxation, eminent domain, claims of damage or impact on value by some cause or event and acquisitions for public use or public policy;
  • Investment Market Value and Investment Planning;
  • Development Finance, Land Use Feasibility Planning;
  • Management of Property, as single asset or by management companies;
  • Management of property systems to ensure efficient use of public and private resources; and
  • Management of public sector property.

Mission statement

  • To identify valuers and appraisers in emerging economies and developing countries and developing countries and coordinate their activities with those of FIG.;
  • To increase FIG members' participation in valuation theory and methodologies, especially in countries without established real estate market protocols and infrastructure;
  • To liaise with other appraisal and valuation organizations to seek cooperation regarding subjects of mutual interest;
  • To create, refine and expand a world dictionary for valuers and appraisers;
  • To investigate new evidence of the influence of environmental hazards on property use, value and demand.


It is noted that the FIG Council intends to develop closer connections with the various less represented regions such as the Mekong Region and Latin America and then offer services. There is also a general feeling that the activities of Commission 9 could be intensified particularly in the developing nations and areas.

In the past few years there have been discussions that Commission 7, 8 and 9 have certain common interests and grounds. Thus some of the activities of these commissions could be integrated or joined.

The Commission will therefore look into the opportunities for expanding activities and services in both geographical and functional terms.

The Commission will make its contribution on the valuation issues to the FIG World Report on Best Practices launched by the Council in its work plan for 2003-2006.

Working Group 9.1 - Education of Valuation Professionals in FIG

Policy Issues

  • Address disparity and deficiencies in educational programs and/or training of valuers in FIG member organizations.
  • Education on valuation through information network in FIG (an integrated virtual learning environment). Let education move, not people.
  • Educational ladder. A stepped way of advancing be planned for improving the knowledge of valuation.
  • An educational package of valuation be created and offered on the homepage of FIG and intentionally, targeted to the developing countries and those economies under transition.
  • Generate co-operation in education and create a network for supporting the contact persons.


Prof Kauko Viitanen (Finland), e-mail kauko.viitanen[at] 

Specific Projects

  • Establish an Internet forum for discussion of the education on valuation.
  • Collect information and determine terminology, fundamental theories and basic methodology on valuation.
  • Create the educational package of valuation.
  • Co-operation with Commission 2 and especially with the WP 2.2 (Virtual academy - distance learning) on distance education and training and within Commission 9. Co-operation also with all other commissions as regards distance education and training.
  • Establish contacts with the universities, the associations for valuation etc. outside FIG.
  • Set up a home page with an educational package of valuation with hyperlinks to web-sites for distance learning.
  • Distribute Commission 9 Syllabus Guidelines ratified by XX Congress in 1994.
  • Compile selected bibliography of literature in the field.
  • Investigate possible academic links.
  • Sponsor symposia and technical papers on related topics.


  • Virtual workshops and information delivery via the Internet.
  • Presentations at FIG Working Weeks and Congress USA 2002 and Germany 2006.
  • Discussions/presentations can be arranged also in some other seminars of Commission 9.


  • Digital material on Web sites
  • Short articles in journals


  • Set up home page with hyperlinks to web-sites during 2002-2006.
  • Continuous communication via the Internet.
  • Continuous communication via the Internet.
  • Working group Final Report for Congress in Munich, 2006.


Distance learning students, individual surveyors, civil servants, politicians, landowners, employers, universities and university teachers etc.

Other Activities

  • Expand communications to valuers and appraisers worldwide through the commission home page.
  • Through the internet and other means of communication, act as a clearing house for practical research, data base development, data searches and educational opportunities.
  • Reach out to academia, both faculty and students, to encourage future research papers for presentation at FIG events.
  • Interact with other FIG commissions, especially Commission 1 - Professional Standards and Commission 2 - Professional Education, in matters relating to valuation practices and protocols.
  • Organize presentations of technical papers by practitioners of interest to valuers and appraisers as Commission 9's contribution to FIG events.

Working Group 9.2 - Environmental and Ecological Influences Effecting Use, Value and Demand for Real Estate

Policy Issues

  • A global problem requiring greater awareness of the negative influences of contamination and ecological degradation.
  • Requirements for new training and protocols for valuation practitioners.


Mr. Simon Adcock (Australia), e-mail: simon.adcock[at]

Specific Projects

  • Investigate and catalog types, extent and impacts of contamination of real estate.
  • Identify resources available for practitioner, including bibliographies, source organizations, remediation industry programs, procedures, protocols and related cost criteria.


To be planned for each annual meeting.


  • Technical papers solicited for annual meetings.
  • Report on results of work group investigations and reports at Congress 2006.


  • 2003 and 2004: research papers for Technical Sessions.
  • 2006: Final Report at FIG Congress.


All FIG member organizations, UN, other professional international and national organizations, agencies and governments.

Working Group 9.3 - Valuation for Taxation and Statutory Compensation

Policy Issues

Government policies affect market valuations.


Henning Elmstrom (Denmark), e-mail: elmstroem[at] 

Specific Projects

  • Identify the legal backgrounds and purposes for such valuations including the methodologies of assessments.
  • Present and discuss the findings at FIG Working Weeks and Congress with information posted on the web-site for reference of members.


To be planned for each annual meeting.

  • Technical papers solicited for annual meetings.
  • Report on results of work group investigations and reports at Congress 2006.


  • 2003 and 2004: research papers for Technical Sessions.
  • 2006: Final Report at FIG Congress.


All FIG member organizations, UN, other professional international and national organizations, agencies and governments.

Working Group 9.4 - Organizations of Valuers and Appraisers in Emerging Eastern European Markets

Policy Issues

Changes in Government policies and market conditions affect development of the surveying profession.


David Smejkal (Czech Republic), e-mail: David.Smejkal[at] 

Specific Projects

  • Identify the backgrounds and status of development of the profession in such markets and study the valuation methodologies adopted.
  • Present and discuss the findings at FIG Working Weeks and Congress with information posted on the web-site for reference of members.


To be planned for each annual meeting.


  • Technical papers solicited for annual meetings.
  • Report on results of work group investigations and reports at Congress 2006.


  • 2003 and 2004: research papers for Technical Sessions.
  • 2006: Final Report at FIG Congress.


All FIG member organizations, UN, other professional international and national organizations, agencies and governments.

Co-operation with Sister Associations

MoU has been or will be established between FIG and other sister organizations such as IFPH, (International Federation of Housing & Planning), IVSC (International Valuation Standard Committee) and ISO (International Standards Organization). All of these organizations are related to the activities of Commission 9.

Commission 9 will strengthen the connections with these organizations and will actively participate in their events.

A joint working with Commission 1 is being considered to focus on valuation standards and to work closely with IVSC and ISO.

Co-operation with the United Nations Agencies

Activities of Commission 9 are related to UN-HABITAT, UN-ECE and other professional involvements of the United Nations.

Commission 9 will look into the opportunities of participating and contributing in their events to promote the Commission and to provide appropriate services.

Other Activities

The Focus of the Commission in the period of 2002 - 2006 are:

  • Analyse the educational situation of Valuers and Appraisers.
  • Strengthen the Corporate Spirit in Commission 9.
  • Identify the legal backgrounds and purposes of Valuation.
  • Established an active web-site as tool to improve information flow; in particular products of working groups.
  • Attract more participants to FIG Working Weeks and Congress.

There will be efforts made in the following areas:

  • Expand communications to valuers and appraisers worldwide through Commission 9's existing web page on the Internet.
  • Through Internet, act as a clearing house for practical research, data base development, data searches and educational opportunities.
  • Reach out to academia, both faculty and students, to encourage future research papers for presentation at FIG events.
  • Interaction with other FIG Commissions, especially Commission 1 - Standards and Commission 2 - Education and CPD.
  • To organize and present appropriate representation by Commission 9 together with suitable numbers of research papers at each FIG event and FIG co-sponsored events.

There are two Task Groups of administration nature formed in addition to the Working Groups:

Task Group 9.1 - Research funding

Policy Issues

  • Seeking sources of funding for research and delivery of papers.
  • Encouraging participation in Commission 9's educational presentations at FIG working weeks.


  • Mr Simon Adcock (Australia), e-mail: simon.adcock[at]


Annual report on names of recipients of grants, amounts of grants received, subjects of research papers, where presented and availability.

Task Group 9.2 - Promoting valuation membership of FIG

Policy Issues

  • The under-representation of valuation organizations within FIG.
  • Encouraging participation in Commission 9 activities.


  • Mr Stephen M W Yip (Hong Kong, China), e-mail: landelit[at] 

Specific Projects

Identify groups and organizations of valuers/appraisers world-wide and invite them and their members to participate in FIG events and to liaise with Commission 9 officers and delegates.

Where possible visit organizations in their home countries.


Annual publication of list of organizations approached, responses and recommendations for further contact.

Calendar of Events

The Major Events in the period of 2002 - 2006 of the Commission are:

  • January/May 2003 - Commission 2 proposed to have Symposium in Asia, Commission 9 to assist and participate.
  • September-November 2004 - FIG Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Commission 9 to assist and to participate.

Commission Officers

Commission Chair
Stephen Yip, Chair
Landelite Surveyors Ltd.
Unit 2801, 28/F
No. 148 Electric Road
North Point
Tel. + 852 2869 7138
Fax + 852 2869 6010
E-mail: landelit[at]
Commission Chair Elect 2004-2006 and Chair 2006-2010
Prof. Kauko Viitanen
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Surveying
P.O. Box 2000
FIN-02015 HUT
Tel. + 358 9 451 3870
Fax +358 9 465 077
E-mail: kauko.viitanen[at]
Commission Vice Chair - Administration
Mr. Simon Adcock, Vice Chair of Administration and Chair of  WG 9.2
Office of the Valuer-General
Marland House
Level 15/570 Bourke Street
Victoria 3000
Tel. + 61 3 8636 2558
Fax + 61 3 8636 2519

E-mail: simon.adcock[at]
Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 9.1 - Education of Valuation Professionals in FIG

Ph.D. Kauko Viitanen, Professor in Real Estate Economics and Valuation
Helsinki University of Technology
Institute of Real Estate Studies
P.O. Box 1200
FIN-02015 HUT
Tel. + 358 9 451 3870
Fax + 358 9 465 077
E-mail: kauko.viitanen[at] 

Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 9.2 - Environmental and Ecological Influences Effecting Use, Value and Demand for Real Estate

Mr. Simon Adcock (Australia)
E-mail: simon.adcock[at] 

Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 9.3 - Valuation for Taxation and Statutory Compensation

Henning Elmstrom
Vestergade 34
DK-9550 Mariager
Tel. + 45 9854 1006
Fax + 45 9854 2427
E-mail: elmstroem[at] 

Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 9.4 - Organizations of Valuers and Appraisers in Emerging Eastern European Markets

David Smejkal
Czech Association of Certified Property Appraisers
Tynska 21
110 Prague 1
Tel. + 420 2 2480 8310
Fax + 420 2 2480 8310
E-mail: David.Smejkal[at] 

29 May 2002

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