FIG Commission 1 - Professional Standards and Practice

Working Group 1.3
International Boundary Settlement and Demarcation 


The Working Group will continue the work of Working Group 1.4 initiated and led by Haim Srebo, in the 2011-14 Work Plan, which led to the FIG Publication 59: International Boundary Making, and will continue the work of Working Group 1.3 led by Don Grant in the 2015-18 Work Plan to publish a supplementary to FIG Publication 59 dealing with international boundaries on unstable ground.

Policy Issues

To deal with theoretical, methodological, legal aspects and analysis of practical cases in international and national boundaries.

To investigate and report on the long-term definition, delineation, demarcation, documentation, maintenance, recovery and stability of international land and maritime boundaries.

To liaise with FIG Commissions 4 and 7 on matters of common interest.


Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel


What we are working on -

  • Maritime Boundaries in 2022

What's New


Two publications were published in GeoConnexion:

During the FIG e-Working Week the following session was held:

Introduce FIG 76 Publication - International Boundaries on Unstable Ground
Chair: Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel and Mr. Bill Robertson, New Zealand

To introduce the publication and discuss with the audience the way forward on the work of the working group to further promote and achieve the aim of SDG No.16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Accepted boundaries are very important for peace making and the maintenance of peace, it is also an important element the current UN-GGIM Policy and Legal Frameworks.

Haim Srebro (Israel):
Unstable International Boundaries and FIG Publication NO 76 (11068)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland):
The Boundary Manifesto (11126)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Following the FIG Publication 59 International Boundary Making edited by Haim Srebro, which was produced through Commission 1 in 2013, Haim and his Working Group members Vincent Belgrave, Andrea Cantile, Donald Grant and William A. Robertson, who are all highly qualified experts and practitioners in ‘boundary marking’, published the FIG 76  International Boundaries on Unstable Ground through Commission 1 in 2020.

FIG PUBLICATION NO. 76: International Boundaries on Unstable Ground
FIG Report, 2020
This publication as a .pdf-file (100 pages - 5Mb)



There had been good discussions on topics about the centre of valley versus thalweg: revisitig the Isreal-Jordan Aravah Boundary, and about river boundaries: the influence of changes in the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers on the International and Cadastral Boundaries at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi. Haim Srebro and his Working Group members Don Grant from RMIT University Melbourne, Bill Robertson and Vince Belgrave from New Zealand and Andrea Cantile from Italy, have been preparing a follow-up publication to FIG Publication 59 International Boundary Making edited by Haim Srebro, which was produced through Commission 1 in 2013. This new volume is an addendum to # 59 regarding international boundaries on unstable ground. It is expected to be published before the end of 2020.

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