
FIG Peer Review Journal


An Analysis of Long-Term Experiences with Land Consolidation Projects and Programs in Europe (9781)

Walter Timo De Vries (Germany), Henrikus Johannes (Rik) Wouters (Netherlands) and Kalle Antero Konttinen (Finland)
Dr Walter Timo de Vries
Technical University of Munich
Chair Land Management
Corresponding author Dr Walter Timo de Vries (email: wt.de-vries[at]tum.de, tel.: +49 89 289 25799)

[ abstract ] [ paper ] [ handouts ]

Published on the web 2019-02-28
Received 2018-10-01 / Accepted 2019-02-01
This paper is one of selection of papers published for the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam and has undergone the FIG Peer Review Process.

FIG Working Week 2019
ISBN 978-87-92853-90-5 ISSN 2307-4086


Land consolidation is a specific land management instrument, which has changed in goals, application, legislation, regulation and context of application over time. How and why these changes took place and what the effects of these changes were can best be learned from experienced land consolidators. This article provides an analysis of these experiences, which were captured through so-called narrative vignettes, short personal stories of experiences, opinions and perceptions. From the analysis we infer that land consolidation has adapted and reinvented itself over time, and experiences from different countries have brought more insights in the bottlenecks, limitations, opportunities and requirements for land consolidation. Despite regional differences in preferences, attitudes and opinions about whether land consolidation is an appropriate instrument, there seems to be some consensus that land consolidation projects should currently be highly pragmatically oriented, whereby one has to be very sensitive to the needs and characteristics of local contexts and stakes, and whereby one needs to be very clear on both short-term and long-term wins. From a methodological point of view we conclude that gathering experiences of senior officials through narrative vignettes is meaningful to get the better understanding of daily practices. Such experiences are highly relevant for practical work which does not only depend on how to regulate processes, but also on how to use the right instruments, regulations and human insights at which point in time and at which location.
Keywords: Professional practice; GIM; Cadastre; Land management; Land readjustment; Land distribution; Security of tenure; Spatial planning; land consolidation; land fragmentation


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