FIG Working Week 2017
ISBN 978-87-92853-61-5
ISSN 2307-4086
Plenary and Technical Sessions -
Note: In technical sessions the author(s) presenting the paper have been marked in
italic style. |
Saturday, 27 May | Saturday, 27 May 08:30–18:00 213, FIG President's Office, Messukeskus
| FIG Council Meeting Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
| Sunday, 28 May | Sunday, 28 May 08:30–17:00 210, Messukeskus
| ACCO Meeting Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
| Sunday, 28 May 09:00–18:00 209 , Messukeskus
| BIM for Surveyors Chair: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. See Lian Ong, Malaysia
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way how surveyors
work, think, collaborate and earn money. Using and sharing
multidimensional digital representations of buildings are the driving
forces for the digitalization of our work. This affects many tasks
surveyors and GIS professionals perform, e. g. cost estimation, GIS
analysis, engineering surveying, construction work, land management and
facilities management.
Scope of the Workshop:
- Teaching theoretical background of the BIM method (concepts,
workflows and standards)
- Best practice presentations from large projects and SME (from
surveyor’s point of view)
- Presentation of the latest software (surveying, integration and
collaboration with BIM, CAD, GIS)
For more information and proceedings, please visit
| Sunday, 28 May 09:00–18:30 217, Messukeskus
| FIG History Symposium Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia
Prior to the FIG Working Week the International Institution of History for Surveying and Measurement, a permanent institution of FIG, is hosting a one day symposium.
For more information, please visit
| Sunday, 28 May 09:00–23:00 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Chair of YSN, Austria Rapporteur: Ms. Melissa Harrington, New Zealand
FIG, MIL and MAKLI have decided on a special focus on the young surveyors and to give Young Surveyors an outstanding opportunity to participate both in the Working Week with its variety of sessions and a special Young Surveyors Conference. The Young Surveyors conference will include a tailor made programme aimed at young professionals.
For more information, please visit
| Monday, 29 May | Monday, 29 May 09:00–15:30 101, Messukeskus
| General Assembly - part 1 Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
Item 7: President’s Report
[report] [handouts]
Item 8:
Report of the President of the FIG Foundation 2016-2017 [report] [handouts]
Item 9: Reports from the Directors of Permanent Institutions 2016-2017
International Office of Cadastre and Land Records
International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement
Item 10: FIG Regional Bodies Forum
Item 11: Reports from FIG Commissions and Networks 2016-2017
FIG Commission 1 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 2 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 3 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 4 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 5 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 6 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 7 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 8 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 9 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Commission 10 [report] [handouts]
- FIG Standards Network [report] [handouts]
- Regional Capacity Network
- General Report [report] [handouts]
& - Africa Network report [report] [handouts]
& - Asia/Pacific Network report [report]] [handouts]
- FIG Young Surveyors Network [report] [handouts] Item 12: strong>Honorary Members
Item 13: Reports from the FIG Task Forces 2016-2017
- Task Force on Real Property Markets [report] [handouts]
- Task Force on Corporate Members [report] [handouts]
- Task Force on Scientific Journal [report] [handouts]
Item 14: Co-Operation with the United Nations and the World Bank
Item 15:
Liaison with International Professional Organisations
Item 16: Amendment to Statutes and Internal Rules
Item 17: FIG Accounts for 2016, Auditor’s Report and Budgets 2017-2020
[report] [handouts]
Item 18: Subscription Rates for 2019 [report] [handouts]
Item 19: Decision on the Venue for FIG Working Week 2021 – Presentation
- Accra, Ghana, Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana and Ghana
Institution of Surveyors
[bid] [handouts]
- Krakow, Poland, Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP) [bid] [handouts]
| Monday, 29 May 09:00–17:00 216, Messukeskus
| STDM Awareness Training ( UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG YSN) Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Chair of YSN, Austria Rapporteur: Mr. John Gitau, UN-Habitat GLTN, Kenya
The objectives of the event are:
- Introduce GLTN land tools, and in particular the technical aspects, purposes, mainstreaming, adoption and probable piloting and roll out of STDM tool.
- Promote conceptual awareness of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) and its application, at scale.
- Provide an overview of the main functionality of the STDM tool and potential use cases.
- Share country level experience in the tool implementation.
- Encourage interaction and future networking for in-country application of land tools by GLTN and partners.
For more information, please visit
| Monday, 29 May 16:00–17:30 10102, Messukeskus
| Developing Professional Networks and Mutual Recognition Agreements Around the Globe Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands This session was a short workshop to (a) gather an update on the institutional status of existing and emerging mutual recognition procedures and agreements including Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North America, ASEAN, East Africa and South Africa; and (b) share key lessons and challenges with the aim to identify necessary updates to the FIG Publication on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications and core needs of mutual recognition moving forward.The presenters included:
- Mr Peter Newmarch, President, SAGI, South Africa
- Mr Allan Mugisha, Honorary Secretary, ISU, Uganda
- Mr Jean-Yves Pirlot, Past President, CLGE
- Mr Bob Foster, FIG Honorary President (USA)
| Monday, 29 May 19:00–20:30 City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13
| Welcome Reception
FIG Working Week was invited to a Welcome Reception at the
Helsinki City Hall, where attendees, their partners and exhibitors
was officially welcomed to Helsinki. The City Hall is located next to the Market Square; a very central location at the City Centre.
The City Hall was designed by C.L. Engel as a hotel in 1833, the building has been the City Hall since the 1930s. The Helsinki coat-of-arms can be seen on the tympanum. With the exception of the facade, it was completely rebuilt in 1967-1970 under the architect Aarno Ruusuvuori.
All were welcomed with drinks and canapés.
| Tuesday, 30 May | Tuesday, 30 May 08:00–08:45 10102, Messukeskus
| Newcomers Session Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
New to the FIG Working Week?
Join us at the session for newcomers on Tuesday, 29 May to meet members of the council, the FIG Office and other participants who will experience the FIG Working Week for the first time. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about FIG, on how to maximize your conference experience and making most of your attendance. First time attendees will be introduced to the programme, the keynote speakers, the sessions tracks, the roundtable discussions, the sponsors and social events.
[handoouts] The official Opening Ceremony of the conference will immediately follow the newcomers session. We look forward to seeing you there!
| Tuesday, r/>30 May 09:00–10:30 101, Messukeskus
| Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will provide a spectacular introduction to the Working Week, its theme, and its unique location - a festive start of the Week.
Welcome addresses by
- Mr. Pekka Halme, Co-conference Director
- Mr. Jari Leppä, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
- Dr. Juha Talvitie, FIG Honorary President
- Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President
Keynote Speaker:
Ed talked about the activities going on both above and below
the radar and the professional’s role in the future from an overall
level setting the tone and context of our world. Is the reality that
urbanisation for ALL across the world will all be smart and digitalised?
What positively happens to professional’s scope of work if
geospatial data is now in the hands of all? The digitalisation – version
2.0 can change much around the world – but in different ways.
| Tuesday, 30 May 10:30–11:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Morning Break | Tuesday, 30 May 11:00–12:30 101, Messukeskus
| Plenary Session 1 Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece Rapporteur: Mr. Pekka Halme, Finland
Theme: Living of Tomorrow – In a Digitalised World
- Mr. Arvo Kokkonen, Director General, National Land Survey, Finland
- Mr. Greg Bentley, Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman of the Board,
Bentley Systems
- Mr. Oumar Sylla, Land and GLTN Unit Leader,
UN Habitat / Global Land Tool Network
| Tuesday, 30 May 12:30–14:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Lunch | Tuesday, 30 May 13:00–13:50 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Eat with Ed
During the lunch break you will have the
chance to hear more closely about his approach and vision
in a Q&A session. Ed Parsons will be ready for questions at
the stage in the exhibition hall.
| Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| FIG Member Association Forum Chair: Mr. Paavo Häikiö, MIL President, Finland
The 2017 FIG Member Associations Forum provides national leaders of our Profession the opportunity for peer-to-peer engagement to exchange share and discuss current and in-country challenges and opportunities facing the Profession. Presidents, Chairpersons, Heads of Delegations (or their representatives) representing FIG Member Associations at the 40th FIG General Assembly can interact and exchange experiences, initiatives and programmes that aimed at uplifting professional stature and standing, and allowing the Profession to enhance its significance and relevance within its jurisdiction.
| Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| Director Generals Forum Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden
In line with the overall theme of the Working Week, the DG Forum this
year focused on the way digitalisation will affect and transform
our operations and organisations. We are sure that this is a matter
that will be one of the most important to prepare for and deal with in
the next few years. As the Keynote presentations that open the Working
Week on Tuesday, which is the day of the DG Forum, also will deal with
digitalisation, we feel that this opportunity to discuss what
digitalisation can or will mean in a smaller group with colleagues is
very timely. At the Director General Forum there was a panel consisting of
- Arvo Kokkonen, Director General Finland
- Brent Jones, ESRI
- Bengt Kjellson, Director General Sweden
| Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Continuing Professional Standards and Education and Mapping Policies Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Jani Kylmäaho and Timo Aarnio (Finland): How to Build a Successful Co-Operation Around Open Source Software - Case Oskari (8623) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nigel Sellars (United Kingdom): Global Conflicts of Interest Standards – Bringing Confidence to the Users of Surveying Related Activities (8653) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Luis Rubio and Daniel Paez (Colombia): Development of Inverse Pedagogy Through the Implementation of a Wireless Response System: Lessons Learned from the Geomatics Course (8861) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Anna Shnaidman, Boris Shirman and Yossef Melzer (Israel): Geo-Magnetic Measurements in Israel (8957) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Emil Ljung (Sweden): Digitalization Crucial for Team-Based-Work and Production Distribution at the National Land Survey of Sweden (9019) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Vladimira Zufanova (Czech Republic): From Cadastral Maps in Paper Form Into a Fully Digital Form (9051) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Siti Noor Chayati and I Made Andi Arsana (Indonesia): The Study on Potential of Electrical Power and Energy Resulted From Wave Generated by Wind (9122) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Florence Elfriede Sinthauli Silalahi and
Suprajaka Suprajaka (Indonesia): Development and
Implementation Geospatial Information Standards in Support of
Indonesian Professional Competency (8879) [abstract]
[handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the
conference. | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS01A: Improving Procedures in Land Management Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Gyula Ivan, Hungary Rapporteur: Ms. Hyunsook Lee, Republic of Korea Helge Nysæter (Norway): Coordinates of Boundary Points in Norway (9032) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gershon Steinberg and Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel): Improved Practical Mechanism for Reconstruction of Old Cadastral Boundaries by Coordinate Transformation (8510) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sergei Shavrov, Olga Burdyko and Miroslav Kobasa (Belarus): Land Administration Quality Assessment: LGAF, DoingBussiness, WPLA UNECE. What Next? (8663) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Eric Hagemans (Netherlands): The Cadastral Map of the Netherlands Improved (8579) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dubravka Sladić, Aleksandra Radulović and Miro Govedarica (Serbia): Cadastral Records in Serbian Land Administration (8731) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Violeta Poposka, Predrag Lazarevski (Macedonia, FYR) and Milica Pesic (Serbia): Comparative Analysis of the Legalization Processes in Republic of Serbia and Republic of Macedonia (8850) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS01C: Tectonic Movements Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand Rapporteur: Mr. Kevin Kelly, United States
Recent crustal or tectonic movements may be induced by different forces e.g. seismic events or slow slip rates or even isostatic compensation. The vertical movements have to be seen connected with sea level changes that have to be differentiated from the movements. All these phenomena have a regional or global level and geodesists are the only one to quantify the effects by measurements. In this session the focus is on GNSS measurements, but levelling and radar are suitable measurement tools for some of the effects too. Turkey, New Zealand, Nigeria and Japan are exemplary countries treated in this session.
Muzaffer Kahveci, Oya Pamukcu, Ayca Cirmik and Tolga Gonenc (Turkey): GPS Study of N-S Trending Karaburun Belt (Turkey) and its E-W Trending Eastern Part (8488) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Paul Denys, John Beavan, John Hannah, Chris Pearson and Sigrun Hreinsdottir (New Zealand): New Zealand’s Long Term Tide Gauge Record and the Effect of Seismically Induced Vertical Land Motion (8728) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Haluk Ozener, Bahadir Aktug and Asli Dogru (Turkey): GPS-Constrained Estimate of Present-Day Slip Rate Along Major Faults of Turkey (8969) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Burhaneddin Bilgen, Cevat Inal, Sercan Bulbul and Bayram Turgut (Turkey): Determinability of the Changes in East-West and North-South Directions with GNSS Technique (8954) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Basara Miyahara, Yu Morishita and Yuji Miura (Japan): 3-D Crustal Deformation Detected by SAR Interferograms of ALOS-2 Satellite (8783) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30
103A, Messukeskus
| FIG Platinum Member: TRIMBLE
Chair: Mr. Boris Skopljak, Mark Sawyer & Erik Schuetz,
Trimble Surveying the World of Tomorrow - From Data Collection to Information in a Connected Environment
| Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS01F: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis I Commission: 6 Chair: Mr. Remy Boudon, France Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United Kingdom Gacoki Thomas Gicira (Kenya): Computation of Curve Staking out Coordinates on the Excel Spreadsheet (8671) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Jacob Ehiorobo and Mercy Ekun (Nigeria): Geomatics Support View in Unlocking the Potentials for Multiple Utilization of Dams and Reservoirs in Nigeria (8825) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Miriam Zamecnikova and Hans Neuner (Austria): Towards the Influence of the Angle of Incidence and the Surface Roughness on Distances in Terrestrial Laser Scanning (9064) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Engin Gülal, Tamer Baybura, Kayhan Aladoğan, Mehmet Nurullah Alkan and Veli Ilçi (Turkey): Deformation Measurements on Obruk Dam Precise Leveling Method (9094) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS01H: Cadastre in a Multidimensional World Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Leiv Bjarte Mjøs, Norway Rapporteur: Mr. Haodong Zhang, Hong Kong SAR, China Helena Åström Boss (Switzerland): 3D Documentation of Condominium in Switzerland – Today and a Draft for the Future (9043) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nida Celik Simsek and Bayram Uzun (Turkey): Trends and Expectations Towards to Three-Dimensional Property System in Turkey (9016) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gintcho Kostov (Bulgaria): Application of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning in the Process of Update or Correction of Errors in the Cadastral Map (8802) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Markku Markkula (Finland): Three Dimensional Real Estate Formation in Finland (8680) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lara Humby and Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): 3D Cadastral Parcels in South Africa – Representing the Third Dimension in the South African Cadastral System (8537) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Freddy Every, Charisse Griffith-Charles, Riëncy Holder (Netherlands Antilles), Mathilde Molendijk, Peter van Oosterom, Rolando Ocampo Alcántar (Mexico), Jocelyne Marie Marguerite Croes (Aruba), Christiaan Lemmen, Hendrik Ploeger (Netherlands) and Michael Sutherland (Trinidad And Tobago): Initial Inventory of 3D Cadastre Use Cases in the Caribbean (9063) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mohsen Kalantari, Abbas Rajabifard and Ian Williamson (Australia): 3D Property Ownership Map Base for Smart Urban Land Administration (8609) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 216, Messukeskus
| TS01I: Improving Land Market Operations and Access to Credit for a Better Future Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States Rapporteur: Mr. Manohar Velpuri, Denmark
Private markets thrive on a healthy real estate sector, which in turn thrives on healthy financial markets, infrastructure, and transparent data. This session will examine these fundamentals of a strong real estate sector and how they can be strengthened to support a growing economy in the 21st Century.
Manohar Velpuri (Denmark), Madhu Aman Sharma (Canada), Maringanti Chetan (Switzerland), Anusha Pidugu (USA) and Jyothsna Velpuri (Australia): Improving Access to Credit in Property Markets using Blockchain
(8515) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Chan K (Hong Kong SAR, China): Assessing the Management Implications from Change of Ownership in Public Real Estate (8524) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Trevor Knowles and Craig Harris (New Zealand): Better Every Day-Making Better and Faster Acquisition and Disposal Decisions at Land Information New Zealand (8855) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mohd Arif Mat Hassan and Rahah Ismail (Malaysia): Real Estate Players’ Commitment Towards Sustainable Development in Malaysia (8870) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS01J: Ethics Commission: 1 Chair: Dr. Brian Coutts, New Zealand Rapporteur: Ms. Robyn Mccutcheon, Australia
An interactive session highlighting current ethical issues. We will discuss real case studies, and be asking the delegates to give their views from their country/region/ member association as to whether the issue(s) discussed in the case studies are ethical or not. Are there widespread conflicts of interest and unethical behaviour inherent in surveying ? How do delegates suggest we embed ethical standards into their country/region/member association so that they can be enforced. Come along and learn first hand about day to day issues facing surveyors around the world, and learn about best practice approaches to these.
Gary Strong (United Kingdom): Why Ethics Standards Are of Limited Use on Their Own for Professionals Working in Land, Property and Construction – and If to Be Effective How Such Standards Need to Be Embedded, Monitored and Regulated Against by Professional Bodies. (8705) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Torben Juulsager (Denmark): When Public Affairs Is an Affair for the Surveying Profession (9093) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wafula Nabutola (Kenya) and James Kavanagh (United Kingdom): Integrating of RICS Standards Into County Government Development Efforts In Kenya (9034) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 14:00–15:30 212, Messukeskus
| TS01K: Responsible Land Administration Curriculum Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Australia
The research and training cluster of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) are developing a knowledge base to support a curriculum on Responsible Land Administration. Work to date has included an EGM at the University of East London to seek guidance on the design of the knowledge base, and topic experts have been selected to develop the modules.
Scope of the workshop: The session will involve a presentation to update participants on work to date and the structure of the knowledge base, followed by a discussion on the potential for implementation of the knowledge base.
| Tuesday, 30 May 15:30–16:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Afternoon Break | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Geospatial Delivery of Public Facilities, Critical Services and Infrastructure Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Ridvan Ertugrul Yildirim and Aziz Sisman (Turkey): Service Area Capability of Emergency Units Based on Traffic Accidents; Case Study of Samsun (8532) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yasemin Ozkan, Aziz Sisman and Ridvan Ertugrul Yildirim (Turkey): Examining Service Area of Fire Stations in Forest Fire with Network Analysis (8557) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Njike Chigbu and Susan Chiawolam Nmeregini (Nigeria): Use of GIS in the Study of the Impact of Road Network Accessibility in Electricity Infrastructure Distribution and Monitoring a Review (8758) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sushmita Timilsina and Punya Prasad Oli (Nepal): Spatial Data Base for Hydropower Projects in Nepal (8667) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ibrahim Usman Jibril (Nigeria): Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP); an Innovative Way of Solving Gully Erosion and Addressing Land Management Issues In Nigeria (9139) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Isaac Adedurin (Nigeria): OGIS Consult Limited Presents Proposal for National Security Integrated Land Databank (8482) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 216, Messukeskus
| Valuation of Unregistered Lands Methodology (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG) Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
Key aspects of the publication on valuation of unregistered lands focussing on most fit for purpose valuation methodologies. The session will be in partnership with UN-Habitat/GLTN, FIG, FAO and RICS, including experts and practitioners on valuation.
- To create awareness on the “Guide on Valuation of
Unregistered Lands” publication
- Solicit ideas on application of the guide within country
context and possible support requirements.
- To discuss links and synergies with other relevant
Danilo Antonio, Land and GLTN Unit, UN-Habitat
The need for valuation of unregistered lands guide
Mike McDermott (Australia):
Synopsis of “Guide on Valuation of Unregistered Lands” Publication
James Kavanagh, RICS (United Kingdom):
International land reporting standards and land valuation - update
on current initiatives
Open Discussion
Way Forward and closing
- Oumar Sylla, UN Habitat GLTN (Kenya)
- Chryssy Potsiou, FIG (Greece)
| Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 212, Messukeskus
| UNGGIM GRF Meeting Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
| Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS02A: Land Registration in a Smart World Commission: 7 Chair: Dr. Gerda Schennach, Austria Rapporteur: Mr. Libor Tomandl, Czech Republic Daniel Janonius Löwgren (Sweden): Rising Expectations - Public Institutions Facing a New Reality in a Digital Era. (8634) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Aanchal Anand (USA): Blockchain and Land Administration: Challenges and Opportunities (9013) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Madan Mohan (India): Geospatial Land Governance and Management through Digitalisation: A Study in Perspective to Real World’s Land Developments in India (8897) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jue Zeng, Director (China, PR): Application of Internet+ Field Survey Technology in China’s Land Management (9137) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Xavier Comtesse, Daniel Steudler and Jeffrey Huang (Switzerland): The Land Code (8828) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Miodrag Roić, Saša Vranić, Tomaš Kliment, Baldo Stančić and Hrvoje Tomić (Croatia): Development of Multipurpose Land Administration Warehouse (8545) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS02C: UAV and Photogrammetric Methods Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. David Martin, France Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Roman, United States
Photogrammetry has gained enormous importance in the surveying world in these years, since Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are dynamiting the market and are used intensively. These small “flying tripods” carry cameras and are used for e.g. to acquire topographic data in urban areas or for land mine detection. In this session contributions are dealing with consumer cameras, camera calibration as well as GNSS for UAVs. Further focus is on producing and processing of point clouds based on photos as well as on laser scans. Additionally a complete in-door positioning system is presented.
Jonas Vautherin, Simon Rutishauser, Klaus Schneider-Zapp, Hon Fai Choi, Venera Chovancova and Christoph Strecha (Switzerland): Photogrammetric Accuracy and Modeling of Consumer Cameras (8517) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Ehsan Khoramshahi, Eija Honkavaara and Tomi Rosnell (Finland): An Automatic Method for Adjustment of a Camera Calibration Room (8912) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Željko Bačić, Danijel Šugar and Roko Grzunov (Croatia): Investigation of GNSS Receiver’s Accuracy Integrated on UAVs (9060) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Reinhard Gottwald (Switzerland), Winfried Mayer (Germany) and Nando Docci (Switzerland): Humanitarian Demining - UAV-Based Detection of Land Mines (8531) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jonathan Li (China, PR) and Xinqu Chen (Canada): 3D Modeling of Urban Tree Crown Volumes Using Multispectral LiDAR Data (8875) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Olli Nevalainen, Eija Honkavaara, Tomi Rosnell, Teemu Hakala and Kimmo Nurminen (Finland): Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Municipality Level 3D Topographic Data Production in Urban Areas (9036) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marcus Bergsli (Germany): Navvis – Enabling Digital Value Creation Indoors (8936) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 103B, Messukeskus
| TS02D: Construction Management and Technology Commission: 10 Chair: Mr. See Lian Ong, Malaysia Rapporteur: Mr. Ruya Fadason, Nigeria
With the rapid change taking place in terms of construction management and technology, surveyors involved in the construction industry must also embrace the latest technology and trend in the management of construction projects. This session provides a global perspective of the such change taking place around the world.
Holman Latorre Bossa and César Arango Gómez (Colombia): Monitoring and Control Progress of Task Times in Construction Projects with UAV and BIM Models: Case-Of-Study: Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotaá Colombia (8988) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Krishna Mochtar (Indonesia): Problem of Green Building Construction Local Technology and Material in Indonesia (8521) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Olajide Timothy Ibironke, Olufisayo Adewumi Adedokun, Isaac Olaniyi Aje and Oladele Johnson Agboola (Nigeria): Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Building Projects in a Developing Country (8485) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Gry Brandin Stenersen (Norway): Urban Development of Areas with Low Social Status from Shipyards and Industry to Living and City Center-Areas. (9101) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dragana Popović, Vladimir Pajić, Dušan Jovanović, Filip Sabo and Jovana Radović (Serbia): Semi-Automatic Classification of Power Lines by Using Airborne Lidar (8862) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS02E: Crowdsourcing and VGI Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. Cromwell Manaloto, Italy
Crowdsourcing is the process of getting information or work outcomes online from a crowd of people. The advantages are to have the most comprehensive and reliable Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Crowdsourcing & VGI: the principle of crowdsourcing is that more heads are better than one. By a large crowd of people for experiences, skills and participation, the quality of content and the generation of ideas will be better.
Eliana Bshouty and Sagi Dalyot: Extraction of Building Heights from Volunteered Photographs for LoD1 OpenStreetMap (OSM) Building Models (8700) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Esa Tiainen (Finland): Georef – Linked Data Deployment for Spatial Data; Finnish Initiative (8781) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Christian Kaul (Switzerland) and Jürg Lüthy (Switzerland): From SDI to an OGD Platform – Challenges and Opportunities (8851) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mari Laakso, Mikko Rönneberg and Tapani Sarjakoski (Finland): Piloting a Map Service to Collect VGI for National Topographic Database (8968) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Anne Dahlhaus, Ulrike Klein and Hartmut Müller (Germany): Primary Health Care: Digital Data Sources for Spatial Accessibility Analysis (8974) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Graham Hammond (Australia): Australia’s National Elevation Framework (NEDF) in Practice (9061) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maria Gkeli, Charalabos Ioannidis and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece): Review of the 3D Modelling Algorithms and Crowdsourcing Techniques. An Assessment of their Potential for 3D Cadastre. (9114) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS02F: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis II Commission: 6 Chair: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Mr. Roope Näsi, Finland Edi Meier and Michael Boege (Switzerland): Precise Magnet Girder Position Monitoring at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) (8541) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alojz Kopacik, Imrich Liptak, Jan Erdelyi and Peter Kyrinovic (Slovakia): Deformation Monitoring of Danube Bridges in Slovakia by Integrated Measurement System (8542) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ulku Kirici and Yasemin Sisman (Turkey): The Comparison Of The Adjustment Methods In Geoid Determination Method (8572) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bahattin Erdogan, Serif Hekimoglu and Utkan Mustafa Durdag (Turkey): Theoretical and Empirical Minimum Detectable Displacements for Deformation Networks (8590) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| TS02G: Curriculum on the Move Commission: 2 Chair: Dr. Fahria Masum, Germany Rapporteur: Dr. Elena Rangelova, Canada
The curriculum of the surveyor is always under study and improvement. The technological tools are developing fast and the profession is constantly changing. The presentations in this session will address the challenges of keeping the surveying curricula up to standards and highlighting related programs such as land management, land administration and cadaster. This is the domain of Working Group 2.1.
Marinus De Bakker and Guido Quik (Netherlands): The Curriculum of Geo Media & Design and an Example of the Working Practice: the Base Registration Large Scale Topography (bgt) (8859) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Ulla Kallio (Finland): 25 Years of Teaching Least Squares Adjustment (8880) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Märit Walfridsson, Marina Edlund and Stig-Göran Mårtensson (Sweden): Land Surveying Education in Sweden: Addressing Global Challenges (8922) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Leiv Bjarte Mjøs (Norway): New Education in Land Management at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (9027) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS02H: Developing and Sharing Educational Standards and Practices for Mutual Recognition Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Narelle Underwood, Australia
This session will review education standards in the context of inter- and intra-national recognition of surveying qualifications. The development of a core standard curriculum will be explored as well as the sharing of academic templates.
- Mrs Narelle Underwood, NSW Surveyor General, Australia
- Mr Peter Newmarch, President, SAGI, South Africa
- Ms Kate Fairlie, Land Equity International (ASEAN)
- Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG Honorary President
| Tuesday, 30 May 16:00–17:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS02J: French Session I Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium
The session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors).
Jean-François Dalbin (France): Le Bornage Numérique (9166) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] François Mazuyer (France): Le Géomètre Et L’expertise Judiciaire – Un Triple Intérêt (9152) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Léopold Degbegnon (Benin): La Problématique de l’Aménagement Foncier vue par un
Géomètre-Expert : cas de la Commune d’Abomey-Calavi (9119) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Vaiva Deveikiene and Steponas Deveikis (Lithuania): Le Jardin dans un Milieu Urbain – la Ville Conçue et Dressée depuis la Fin de XIXe Siècle jusqu’à Nos Jours |The Garden in an Urban Setting – the City Designed and Erected since the End of 19th Century to the Nowadays (8951) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jean Philippe Lestang and Eric Thalgott (France): Mise En Œuvre D’une Réforme Foncière En Haïti (9154) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Francis Roy and Yaïves Ferland (Canada): L’Institution de l’Enregistrement Foncier et du Cadastre entre 1830 et 1867 au Québec: une Source d’Inspiration toujours actuelle? (9077) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Tuesday, 30 May 19:00–23:00 Hotel Crowne Plaza, Mannerheimintie 50
| Finnish Evening / FIG Foundation Dinner
We are delighted to invite you to the Finnish Evening - full of excellent food, good music, stylish ambience and cultural insights. This night will be the perfect occasion to share knowledge with colleagues, to be entertained and to celebrate your latest scientific achievements in the exclusive atmosphere of Hotel Crowne Plaza.
The Finnish Evening Dinner will be held on the second floor of the hotel with nice view to the surrounding park in the gentle end-of-May-evening light. A buffet dinner is served with some modern Finnish entertainment.
| Wednesday, 31 May | Wednesday, 31 May 07:00–08:45 212, Messukeskus
| FIG Foundation Meeting
| Wednesday, 31 May 07:45–08:45 103A, Messukeskus
| Asia Pacific FIG Regional Network - Breakfast Meeting Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
The main purpose of this meeting is to discover and share information on FIG activities that are occurring in Asia and the Pacific region. The meeting would also like attendees to voice their opinions on the capacity development challenges being faced by our industry and how FIG can assist to address these challenges through collaboration and exchanging of information and ideas. [handouts]
| Wednesday, 31 May 07:45–08:45 103B, Messukeskus
| Africa FIG Regional Network - Breakfast Meeting Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
Tea and croissants served for the FIG annual networking meeting of African Land professionals with the following objectives: to overview 2016 activities in Ivory Coast, to share with key partners including Africa YSN & FGF to hear inspirational papers, to discuss ARN Strategic Framework document and to agree activity and venue for 2017.
| Wednesday, 31 May 09:00–10:30 101, Messukeskus
| Plenary Session 2 Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, FIG Vice President, Turkey Rapporteur: Mr. Paavo Häikiö, Finland
Theme: Professional behaviour – In a Digitalised World
- Mr. Robert Guinness, Navigation and Positioning
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
- Prof. Yola Georgiadou, Professor in geo-information for governance
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
- Prof. Dr. Jolyne Sanjak, Chief Program Officer
| Wednesday, 31 May 10:30–11:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Morning Break | Wednesday, 31 May 10:45–11:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| TRIMBLE: High-Accuracy Software GNSS On-Demand Chair: Ms. Melissa Harrington, Trimble, New Zealand
| Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 216, Messukeskus
| FIG Task Force on Property Markets Chair: Mr. Pekka Halme, Finland
Winrich Voss (Germany): Well-functioning Real Estate Markets - Criteria and Examples (9076) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Steven Nystroem (United States)
International Property Markets Scorecard
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chryssy Potsiou (Greece): Sustainable Real Estate Markets- Policy Framework and Necessary Reforms (9109) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chryssy Potsiou (Greece), Murat Meha (Kosovo), Sonila Jazo (Albania), Luljeta Vuthi (Kosovo) and Helge Onsrud (Norway): Formalizing Unpermitted Real Estate in Kosovo (9110) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Tools for: Land Administration, Management & Natural Resources Chair: Mr. Orhan Ercan, FIG Vice President (Turkey)
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Tian Zhong Zhang and Qiang Jun Zhao (China, PR): Project Evaluation of Intensive Land Use--- Taking Gansu Province Case 106 PV project (8767) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Andrés Guarín, Lina Baron (Colombia), Lorenz Jenni (Switzerland) and Silvia Salamanca (Colombia): LADM - A Tool for Land Administration in Post-Conflict Colombia (8766) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bancy Kinuthia (Kenya): Public Private Partnerships as a Means of Developing Affordable Housing
A Case Study of the Civil Servants Housing Scheme Fund Kenya
(8835) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hasan Jamil, Mohd Noor Isa, Chee Hua Teng, Keat Lim Chan, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Ivin Amri Musliman, Senior Lecturer, Bernad Siew, Researcher, Uznir Ujang, Senior Lecturer, Hairi Karim, PhD student, Nur Amalina Zulkifli, PhD student, Imzan Hassan, Lecturer, Peter Van Oosterom, Professor and Suhaibah Azri, Researcher (Malaysia): Converting The Strata Building to LADM (8920) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ezgi Candas and Tahsin Yomralioglu (Turkey): Modelling A Spatial Data Infrastructure For Urban Regeneration Projects (8938) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| Eastern European Success Story in Developing Land Administration Systems - 1 (World Bank & FIG) Chair: Mr. Mika-Petteri Torhonen, World Bank
David Egiashvili (Georgia): How to Fix a Land Agency in One Year (8721) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Aivar Tomson and Ülleke Eerik (Estonia): First Steps and Further Steps: Creation of Property Market
Estonia Case Study (8907) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sedat Bakici (Turkey): Seamless Digital Cadastral Map and Geodetic Infrastructure in Turkey.
(8606) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Aleksandra Radulović, Dubravka Sladić and Miro Govedarica (Serbia): Serbian Profile of the Land Administration Domain Model (8698) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS03A: Spatial Data and Geomatic Technology in Land Registration Procedures Commission: 3 and 7 Chair: Mr. Sagi Daylot, Israel Rapporteur: Ms. Teresa Pereira, Portugal
The session will present papers about the science that studies the methods and advanced technologies to capture, modeling, interpret, process, store and disseminate geo-referenced information (spatial data), or information related to a geographic location linked to a chosen reference system. It includes remote sensing, global positioning systems, the database containing records of rights related to land tenure, etc. With the help of geomatics at high level technology we have systems which make more obvious the rights related to land tenure, ensuring the protection and monitoring also for tax fairness purpose.
Michaud Stephanie (Canada): Combining Geomatics Technology for Successful Land Development Projects and Pilots (8507) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Divyani Kohli (Netherlands), Rohan Bennett (Australia), Christiaan Lemmen, Kwabena Asiama and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands): A Quantitative Comparison of Completely Visible Cadastral Parcels Using Satellite Images: A Step towards Automation (8739) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marcin Karabin, Robert Olszewski, Dariusz Gotlib, Krzysztof Bakuła, Research Worker and Anna Fijałkowska (Poland): The New Methods of Visualisation of the Cadastral Data in Poland (8994) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Brent Jones (USA): Enabling Multipurpose Cadastre (8604) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maphale Lopang (Botswana): Towards the Augmented Reality of Botswana Tribal Villages (8518) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Konstantinos Apostolopoulos, Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece), Florin Nache, Cornel Paunescu (Romania) and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece): A Proposal for Flexible, Affordable and Reliable Systematic Cadastres: Examples from Greece and Romania (9115) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bilgehan Ozsoy, Mehmet Diri and Unsal Ergun (Turkey): Property Based Land Information Systems of Turkey: TAKBIS & MEGSIS (8617) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS03C: UN Resolution on GGRF Commission: 5 Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
Markku Poutanen (Finland): UN Resolution on GGRF (9124) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Laila Loevhoeiden (Norway) and Gary Johnston (Australia): Implementation plan for the UN-GGIM GGRF Resolution (9129) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany): GGOS – The Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) (9127) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Ruth Neilan (USA), Gary Johnston (Australia) and Steven Fisher (USA): IGS - The International GNSS service 2017 (9125) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Asakaia Tabuabisataki (Fiji): GGRF in the Pacific Island Countries (9128) [abstract]
[paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 103B, Messukeskus
| FIG Platinum Member: BENTLEY SYSTEMS Chair: Mr. Johannes Klick, Senior Manager Product Success Mapping & Surveying
Bentley Map Meets Reality Modeling
Bentley Map as Mapping Tool to describe the real world as a model have enormous capacities to bring your data sources together. Data sources like 2D Maps, Mashes, Point clouds, reality models etc. Showing the real world as a model bring additional value in all parts of the infrastructure world and help to show and understand e.g. design process with all the dependencies to the real world. The session will show the capacities of BentleyMap and how Bentley Reality Modelling tools can bring an additional value for your existing data.
| Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS03E: FIG YSN - Who mentors you? Commission: Young Surveyors Network Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Chair of YSN, Austria Rapporteur: Ms. Melissa Harrington, New Zealand
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” — Benjamin Disraeli
There are a number of challeneges being presented to the surveying and spatial science community; global trends, technology changes and a declining number of surveyors world wide. To ensure the successful future of our profession we need to establish a well connected global community. The Young Surveyors Network and mentoring is key to this.
This session will highlight the benefits of mentoring to the mentee, mentor and organisation. From here we will build upon previous workshops to launch our strategy to move mentoring within FIG and the FIG Young Surveyors forward
| Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS03F: Engineering Surveys for Constructive Works and Structural Monitoring Commission: 6 Chair: Mr. Remy Boudon, France Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopácik, Slovakia Wallace Mukupa (China, PR), Gethin Roberts (United Kingdom), Craig Hancock and Khalil Al-Manasir (China, PR): Correction of Terrestrial LiDAR Data Using a Hybrid Model (8547) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Fernando Soares, Maria Henriques and Rocha César (Portugal): Concrete Block Tracking in Breakwater Models (8550) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Boris Resnik (Germany): Monitoring of Concrete Bases of Wind Turbines with Modern Inclinometers: Approaches and Experience (8570) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Slaven Kalenjuk and Werner Lienhart (Austria): Automated Surface Documentation of Large Water Dams Using Image and Scan Data of Modern Total Stations (8801) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Roman Shults, Iulia Kravchenko and Denys Gorkovchuk (Ukraine): Getting a Correct Geometrical Information from TLS Data for Building Constructions Control Surveying (8857) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Ioulia Peppa, Panos Psimoulis and Xiaolin Meng (United Kingdom): Potential of Detecting Dynamic Motion by Analysing SNR of GPS Satellite Signal (9010) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS03H: Sustainable Planning: the Use and Management of the Water and Natural Resource Commission: 7 and 8 Chair: Mr. Bruce Keith, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana Walter Timo de Vries (Germany): Human Geodesy – Shaping a New Science and Profession for the World of Tomorrow (8578) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Emma Wilcox and Peter Matthews (United Kingdom): Integration is the Way Forward .. the UK Experiences
Presented to the FIG Working Week 2017 "Surveying the world of tomorrow - From digitalisation to augmented reality"
(8699) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Holger Hoppe and Michael Jeskulke (Germany): Flood Risks in Urban Areas - Data Analysis, Communication and Mitigation (9026) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jonathan Skelly and Johannes Tiusanen (Finland): Massively Reducing Irrigation through Permanent Wireless Below-Ground Monitoring (9035) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hellen Nyamweru, Cyprian Selebalo, John Gitau and Danilo Antonio (Kenya): Towards Actualizing the Continuum of Land Rights in Support of Sustainable Development Goals (8782) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 11:00–12:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS03J: French Session II Chair: Mr. François Mazuyer, France Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium
The session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors).
Maurice Barbieri (Switzerland): Point de vue du CLGE au sujet de la politique foncière du « minimum suffisant (9168) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Francis Roy (Canada), Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands), Chethna Ben (Fiji), Mohsen Kalantari (Australia) and Walter Timo de Vries (Germany): La Formation des Géomètres à La Lumière des Directives Volontaires pour une Gouvernance Responsable des Régimes Fonciers (8726) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Phanzu Bitaka and Kidinda Kilembe Remy (Democratic Republic of Congo): Le Géomètre en RDC (9107) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Moulay Hafid Bouhamidi (Morocco): Quelle Stratégie Pour La Mobilisation Du Foncier Pour Les Grands Projets? Cas Du Plan Solaire Marocain. (9040) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yaïves Ferland (Canada): La Mesure de la Toponymie Locale parmi les Problèmes de Représentation Cartographique (9078) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] J. F. Beaupre (Canada): Les Leçons Oubliées De L’histoire Du Cadastre Au Québec (canada) (8848) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marc Vanderschueren and Jean Yves Pirlot (Belgium): La Modélisation des données du bâtiment (BIM) (9134) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Claire Galpin (France): Les cadastres multifinalités ; une réalité augmentée? (9153) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 12:30–14:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Lunch | Wednesday, 31 May 12:30–14:00 212, Messukeskus
| ILMS Meeting Chair: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom
| Wednesday, 31 May 12:45–13:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| ESRI: Fit For Purpose Land Administration Chair: Mr. Ilkka Suojanen, Esri, Finland
| Wednesday, 31 May 13:45–14:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| BENTLEY: Reality Modeling Goes Mainstream Chair: Mr. Aidan Mercer, Industry Marketing Director, Government and Utilities
The proliferation of reality modeling across infrastructure project delivery and asset performance is now widely adopted by infrastructure professionals that seek to adopt the latest technology in reality capture and consumption. Reality modeling describes the potentially continuous capture of infrastructure assets’ as-operated conditions for processing into engineering-ready reality meshes, and their “enlivening” for immersive interaction. To date, reality modeling has processed digital photos into reality models, but now offers available point-clouds from laser scanning which can now be combined with available photos, as “hybrid inputs,” for reconstruction into a reality mesh. The advantages of reality modeling—in the case of laser scanning, the superior engineering-ready mesh result. As the technology continues to advance and goes mainstream, this presentation will look at other examples of how reality modeling integrates with other business workflows such as geospatial, work orders, BIM processes and can be applied to a variety of disciplines, from utilities, governments, mapping, and surveying to civil development projects.
- To show how reality modeling is going mainstream
- Laser scanning data can now be combined with digital photographs for hybrid reality models
- Integration with other business workflows, such as geospatial data, work orders, BIM, facilities and IoT data
| Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Geodesy and Surveying Applications I Chair: Prof Rudolf Staiger, Germany
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
JungKyu Lee (Republic of Korea): Introduction of Beacon Control Points Using IoT (9159) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wioleta Błaszczak Bąk and Anna Sobieraj Żłobińska (Poland): How to Properly Plan the Reduction in the LIDAR Big Dataset? (8679) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Vu Nguyen Dang, Phong Minh Nguyen and Binh Thanh Nguyen Thi (Viet Nam): Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanning to Rebuild Son Doong Cave (8927) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Niendyawati Supardan, Wiwin Ambarwulan and Murdaningsih Panularsih (Indonesia): Land Use Change Identification Using SPOT 6 Imagery for Food Security Analysis of Denpasar City, Bali Province, Indonesia (8980) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Joseph Odumosu, Augustine Abiodun, Senior Lecturer (Nigeria), Kelly Kevin, Geodesist (USA) and Gbedu Adamu (Nigeria): An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Sea Level Variation on Vertical Reference Frames: Case study of Lagos state (8563) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| Eastern European Success Story in Developing Land Administration Systems - 2 (World Bank & FIG) Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
Mika Petteri Törhönen (Finland): Land Administration Success Story; the World Bank Collaboration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (8760) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Željko Obradović, Nedžad Pašalić and Denis Tabučić (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Implementation of Client Oriented Cadastral Services, the Federation of BH experience and lessons learned
(8793) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Ramanauskas Rimantas, Mikuta Bronislovas and Albina Aleksiene (Lithuania): The Relationship Between the Land Cadastre and the Mass Valuation System - Mutual Benefits and Challenges
(8812) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dušan Mitrović and Martin Smodiš (Slovenia): Implementation of Mass Valuation System in Slovenia and its impact to the Land Administration System (8597) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 216, Messukeskus
| Social Tenure Domain Model Development Innovations (FIG YSN & UN-Habitat GLTN) Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG Honorary President, Malaysia Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, UN-Habitat GLTN, Kenya
The session will expose participants to improvements in STDM including ease of customisation, web-based approach, and readiness for release of QGIS 3. The session will be in partnership with members of STDM Advisory Committee, STDM Technical Working Group, OGC, etc. The session will be in partnership with FIG YSN, OSGeo, FIG Foundation, Kadaster & UN-Habitat/GLTN.
- Introduce participants to the basic concepts of STDM;
- Provide technical updates on STDM development including key
- Share country experiences on STDM application of the tools;
- Discuss different roles of key partners and proposed
strategies for support; and
- Explore next steps and way forward.
Tentative Programme:
Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
STDM Concepts and Rationale
Arnulf Christl, OSGeo (Germany):
Open Sourse for STDM
John Gitau, UN Habitat GLTN (Kenya):
STDM Development and Technical Implementation
Oumar Sylla, UN Habitat GLTN (Kenya):
Practical Applications of STDM in Select Countries
Open Discussion
Young Surveyors Network Support to STDM Implementation
- Eva-Maria Unger, FIG Young Surveyors Network
- John Hohol,FIG Foundation
Open Discussion
Teo CheeHai (Malaysia) and Danilo Antonio
Summary and Closing
| Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS04A: Land Management in Areas of Public Interest Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Markku Markkula, Finland Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium KiYoung Hong, YunSoo Choi and JaeMyeong Kim (Republic of Korea): An Extraction and Accuracy Assessment of Dead Tree Using Object-Based Classification (9160) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] WonJong Lee, Yunsoo Choi, Kijong Han and Heeyoon Park (Republic of Korea): Construction of Tidal Datums Based on Ellipsoid Using
Spatial Interpolation
(9163) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Janne Murtoniemi (Finland): Automatic Registration Finnish Land Registry and Electronic Mortgages (8806) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pauliina Krigsholm, Juhana Hiironen, Karin Kolis and Kirsikka Riekkinen (Finland): Land Property Rights and Economic Development in Urban Areas: a Systematic Literature Review (8539) [abstract]
[paper] [handouts] Yanxia Lu, Director (China, PR): Analysis on the Change of Farmland Resources in China from 1996-2009 (9136) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Teemu Ulvi and Milla Mäenpää (Finland): The Main Challenges in the Management of Joint Property Units in Waters in Finland (8798) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jesper M. Paasch, Märit Walfridsson, Anna Eriksson, Emmy Hedlund and Marija Juric (Sweden): Abandoned Swedish Joint Facilities and Utility Easements - a Case of “Legal Pollution” (8528) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS04C: Geodynamic Effects on Reference Frames Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Roman, United States
Everything is moving, or more scientifically, everything is kinematic. This sentence is true for geodetic reference frames too. Every user is expecting stable coordinates within reference frames. But every point on the earth is moving due to recent crustal movements and so it is for the global ITRF datum. This session will deal with this topic, especially focusing on the global and European perspective as well as on the Nordic countries. Height and three dimensional effects on the reference frames as well as the solution and implementation strategies will be discussed.
Rui Fernandes (Portugal): EPOS – Improving the Infrastructure for GNSS Data and Products in Europe (9130) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Zuheir Altamimi, Laurent Métivier, Paul Rebischung, Hélène Rouby, Xavier Collilieux (France) and Martin Lidberg (Sweden): ITRF2014 Plate Motion Model (9123) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Martin Lidberg, Jonas Ågren and Holger Steffen (Sweden): On the Use of Crustal Deformation Models in the Management of ETRS89 Realizations in Fennoscandia (9131) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pasi Häkli (Finland), Martin Lidberg and Lotti Jivall (Sweden): A New Transformation Including Deformation Model for the Nordic and Baltic Countries (8915) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jyrki Mononen (Finland): A Harmonized Vertical Reference System for the Baltic Sea (9132) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 103B, Messukeskus
| FIG Platinum Member: ESRI Chair: Mr. Brent Jones, United States
Modern Technology for Land Administration – The GIS Platform for Cadastre, National Mapping and Valuation
Gone are the days of building custom cadastral systems with disparate technologies. ArcGIS is a complete, interoperable, open, and purpose-built system for cadastral and mapping operations to improve efficiency, manage data integrity, and share data across your organization and with the public. Whether you aim to improve data quality, increase throughput, or improve spatial accuracy - webGIS and the ArcGIS platform delivers necessary capabilities. All conference attendees are welcome. An interactive discussion is expected.
| Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS04E: Spatial Data Infrastructure Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece Rapporteur: Mr. Daniele Brancato, Italy
Nowadays, there is a growing need to use of the availability of digital spatial data for all kinds of applications in the field of management activities. In addition, with the development of today's communication technology, it becomes possible for every user, surfing the internet, to collect datasets from a variety of sources and different types of application. This requires translation from the original source data into the user’s system, to make the received data user understandable and usable. The presentations illustrate a range of experiences for the management, knowledge and data retention in surveying and government.
Nor Zetty Akhtar Abdul Hamid and Samsung Lim (Australia): A Whole-of-Government Approach to Bruneian Geospatial Data Management (8522) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Bloksma Ron (Netherlands): Interoperability in Surveying (8529) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Arvo Kokkonen, Jani Kylmäaho and Heli Ursin (Finland): Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (Arctic SDI) (8732) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Peter Wasström (Sweden) and Maria Lodin (Norway): How the Nordic NMCA's Contribute in Development Projects (9088) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Shlomi Sivan (Israel): The National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Zambia (9098) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Giuseppina Vacca (Italy): A WebGIS for the Knowledge and Conservation of the Historical Wall Structures of the 13th – 18th Centuries (9116) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hansjoerg Kutterer, (Belgium): A vision for future European Location Services (9117) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS04F: Wide Area Engineering Surveys for Monitoring and Features Determination Commission: 6 Chair: Prof. Alojz Kopácik, Slovakia Rapporteur: Mr. Veikko Saaranen, Finland Lam Lityin (Hong Kong SAR, China): Too Detail to Survey – UAV, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing for Construction Projects (8688) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Remy Boudon (France): Exploring New Solutions for Large Areas or Long Linear Structures Monitoring: INSAR from Satellites and Lidar from UAV (8762) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Emi Sukiyah, Pulung A. Pranantya, Suherman Dwinuryana and Myke Jones (Indonesia): The Morphotectonic 3-D Modelling of Cisadane Watershed Based on Interpretation of Satellite Imagery and Field Survey in the Region of South Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia (8992) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS04H: Rural Development and Public Private Partnership Commission: 8 Chair: Ms. Yvonne Sowah, Ghana Rapporteur: Ms. Rosy Liao Rong, China Lauren Power, Con Charalambou, Kane Orr, Mark Dunford and Russell Hay (Australia): Australia Exposed: Exposure Information for Ensuring Australia's Community Saftey (8883) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Zainal A Majeed, Saiful Nizam Saip and Eng Guan Ng (Malaysia): Towards Augmented Topographic Map: Integration of Digital Photograph Captured from MAV and UAV Platforms (8916) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wiwin Ambarwulan, Widiatmaka Widiatmaka, Niendyawati Niendyawati, Titiek Suparwati and Irman Firmansyah (Indonesia): Land Suitability and Dynamic System Model for Land Use Planning of Paddy Field in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia (8960) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pierre Damien Ntihinyurwa (Rwanda) and Fahria Masum (Germany): Participatory Land Use Consolidation in Rwanda: From Principles to Practice (9008) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Michael Klaus (Germany): Integrated Rural Development as Tool to Strengthen Rural Areas – The Case Study Sanbaishan Municipality PR China (9069) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 14:00–15:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS04J: History Session Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia Rapporteur: Mr Warren Thomas, Australia John Brock (Australia): HADRIAN’S WALL: Boundary Monument for the Northern Frontier of Roman Britannia!
(9164) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Francis Roy (Canada): Quebec Land System 1830-60 (9165) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Aune Rummukainen (Finland): Property Boundaries and Boundary Markers in Finland (8580) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 15:30–16:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Afternoon Break | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 212, Messukeskus
| GLTN Professional Cluster Meeting Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
The GLTN Professional Cluster has 13 members and is currently led by FIG. In this meeting the current and future GLTN cluster activities will be discussed. At present, GLTN is in the process of developing a six-year Phase 3 Strategy. In this context, the contribution of the Professional Cluster is important.
| Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS05A: Fit-for-Purpose in the Global Diversity Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Daniel Paez, Colombia Rapporteur: Ms. Zufanova Vladimira, Czech Republic Gernod Schindler and Erik Schuetz (Germany): Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration in Practical Application (8943) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Robin McLaren (United Kingdom) and Stig Enemark (Denmark): Global Campaign to Achieve 80% Security of Tenure by 2030 (8702) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Stig Enemark (Denmark) and Robin McLaren (United Kingdom): Implementing Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration at Country Level (8704) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Paula Dijkstra (Netherlands), David Mitchell (Australia), Bennett Rohan (Netherlands), Ganesh Prassad Bhatta and Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal): Ignition for Fit For Purpose Land Administration in Nepal (9054) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gertrude Pieper and Markus Hakalin (Finland): Development of an Open Source Land Records System for Urban Centers in Ethiopia (8730) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Steven Ambani, Judith Kalinga, Moses Kiambuthi (Kenya), Mathilde Molendijk, Martien Tomberg, Eva Maria Unger, Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands) and Brent Jones (USA): Fit-for-Purpose and Fit-for-Future Technology for Cadastral Systems (8494) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 102, Messukeskus
| TS05B: Roundtable Discussion on BIM Commission: 10 Chair: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. See Lian Ong, Malaysia - Review of the Pre-Workshop “BIM for Surveyors”
Report by Christian Clemen
- Open BIM-Microphone
Discussion lead by See Lian Ong
- Open Short-Presentations by BIM vendors and NGOs
| Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS05C: Reference Systems and Frames Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, United States Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
The bases for all geodetic and surveying activities as well as for quite a huge amount of society issues are the reference frames on the global and national level. Traditionally these are separated into height and horizontal reference frames. Nowadays truly three-dimensional frames supplemented by gravity-based height references are the standard. This session will deal with both categories. Experts from the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand are presenting the newest developments.
Daniel Roman (USA): The U.S. National Spatial Reference System in 2022 (8841) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Amy Peterson and Robert Sarib (Australia): Transitioning to a New Paradigm – the Development and Implementation of a Modernised National Datum from a Regional Perspective (8931) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Igor Stoliarov, Viktor Popadyev and Vladimir Gorobets (Russia): The Russian State Geodetic Coordinate System — 2011, Founded on Satellite Network (9121) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nic Donnelly (New Zealand): Re-establishing the geodetic system after the 14 November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake (8898) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Graeme Blick (New Zealand): Progress towards an Integrated Vertical Datum for New Zealand (8864) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kevin Ahlgren, Simon Holmes, Xiaopeng Li, Yan Wang and Monica Youngman (USA): Geoid Modeling at NOAA's National Geodetic Survey as 2022 Approaches (8815) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 103B, Messukeskus
| TS05D: Environment & Survey Applications Commission: 4 Chair: Ms. Angela Etuonovbe, Nigeria Rapporteur: Mr. Simon Ironside, New Zealand Human activities and the environment are inter-related. This is because any activity of man is done in the environment and the resultant effect is either positive or negative to man. The importance to surveying to the environment cannot be over emphasized, as surveying is the bedrock of development. The information derived from survey applications is useful for good governance and also help to better the life of humanity. This is evident from the various presentations by experts from the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Indonesia and Belgium.
Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom): The Blue Economy – Will a Marine Cadastre Lead to Developing a Blue Growth in the European Region - a Recent Study (9140) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Cheng Wang (China, PR): Road Damages Identification based on Traffic Big Data for Coastal City Disaster Relief (9167) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sylvester Owhojeta (Nigeria): Onshore Drilling Rig Decommissioning at Dibi Area, Benin River – A Case Study of Parker-74 Drilling Rig Barge. (8761) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Michael Sutherland and Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago): Marine Information Systems: Reality and Visions of Augmented Reality (8970) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Axel Annaert (Belgium): Study of the Changing of the Position of the Principal Fairway on the River Scheldt Between Terneuzen and Hansweert by Means of Old River Charts. (8844) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS05E: Land Administration System - SIM - 3D Models Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel Rapporteur: Dr. Nikos Zacharias, Greece
Land management includes the range of systems and processes that apply to land tenure rules. Supporting the surveying functions, mapping and evaluation with suitable information systems forms the basis for stability investments, for an efficient government and for a generation of fair taxation on property. A modern land management solution allows the government, the property owners and the professional groups to efficiently access and to easily manage the rights on land ownership and the digital cadastral map, resulting in faster response times, reduced operating costs, increased efficiency and higher levels of customer service.
Efi Dimopoulou and Dimitra-Efstathia Andrianesi (Greece): Investigating an Interoperability Platform for Sustainable Land Management (8555) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Gertrude Njar (Nigeria): Assessment of Public-Private Partnership in Affordable Housing Provision in Cross River State, Nigeria. (8734) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Njike Chigbu, Maduabughichi Okezie and Veronica Ugonma Okoye (Nigeria): Realization of a Functional Photo-Realistic 3D City Geographic Information System (3D GIS), the Place of Google Earth and Arc Scene. (8757) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lorenz Jenni (Switzerland), Víctor M. Bajo Pérez (Spain), Andrés Guarín (Colombia), Michael Germann and Claude Eisenhut (Switzerland): LADM Implementation in Colombia
– Process, Methodology and Tools Developed and Applied
(8853) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniele Brancato, Cromwell Manaloto, Alessandro DalMasso, Luca DalBuono and Gianrico Baldini (Italy): Drone in Agriculture: A Start-Up Case Study in Ragusa (9017) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gualtiero Parmeggiani, Luca Dal Buono, Alessandro Dalmasso, Cromwell Manaloto and Daniele Brancato (Italy): 3D Model of Underground Canal “Aposa” Bologna (9047) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pietro Grimaldi (Italy): GIS for a Small Town (9059) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mladen Femic (Montenegro): Land use Plan in Project "Bar-Boljare Highway" - the first Highway in Montenegro
(8511) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS05F: Kinematic Data Acquisition and Processing Techniques I Commission: 6 Chair: Ms. Maria Joao Henriques, Portugal Rapporteur: Mr. Engin Gülal, Turkey Ivan Detchev (Canada), Ayman Habib (USA) and Derek Lichti (Canada): Stability Analysis of a Multi-Camera Photogrammetric System Used for Structural Health Monitoring (8565) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Otto Lerke and Volker Schwieger (Germany): Steering Method for Automatically Guided Tracked Vehicles (8588) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Veikko Saaranen (Finland): On the Robotization of Precise Levelling Measurements (8773) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Roope Näsi, Eija Honkavaara, Teemu Hakala, Niko Viljanen and Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio (Finland): How Farmer Can Utilize Drone Mapping? (9004) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] David Holdener (Switzerland), Derek D. Lichti, Jeremy Steward and Pedram Kaheh (Canada): Monitoring Masonry Walls Subjected to Earthquake Loading with a
Time-of-Flight Range Camera
(9073) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| TS05G: Innovation in Education Commission: 2 Chair: Reinfried Mansberger, Austria Rapporteur: Mr. Alias Abdul-Rahman , Malaysia
Innovation in education has always been an important topic in professional surveying education in particular for Working Group 2.2. With new programs, new students and new teaching options due to internet, social media and gaming technology, the way we teach is not at all static. In this technical session we bring together examples of innovations in professional education.
Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): Teaching Property Law in Geomatics Degree Programmes: Innovations to Enhance Student Engagement and Learning (8535) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mohsen Kalantari, Abbas Rajabifard, Farzad Alamdara and Behnam Atazadeh (Australia): A 3D Game-Based Learning System for Land Administration Subjects (8605) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Paul Kenny, Karen McLean and Renee Coysh (Australia): Teaching Surveying in the Digital World (8750) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Agus Sutanto, Iwan Fahlevi Setiawan and Saut Sagala (Indonesia): Implementing a Blended Training Course on the Introduction of Geology for Spatial Planning: Potentials and Lessons Learnt (8873) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Elena Rangelova and Jude Lacoste (Canada): Challenges of Flipping a Course in Geomatics Engineering (8878) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS05H: Urban and Cities Planning Commission: 8 Chair: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands Rapporteur: Mr. Kwasi Darko Asare, Ghana Pertti Tamminen (Finland): Urban Sustainability in Vuores, a New Housing Development in Tampere (8683) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Isabelle Klein and Alexandra Weitkamp (Germany): How to Define Threshold Households in Different Big German and European Cities (8719) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Christelle Van den Berg (Netherlands), Daviz M. Simango (Mozambique) and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands): Urbanisation Versus Occupation in the Beira Municipality: How Land Registration Supports Spatial Planning Processes (8720) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maarit Kahila and Anna Broberg (Finland): Making Cities Wiser – Crowdsourcing for Better Decisions (8847) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Efthimios Bakogiannis, Charalampos Kyriakidis, Maria Siti and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece): Increasing Urban Resilience of Athens'Historic Center (9045) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 216, Messukeskus
| TS05I: The Valuation Models of Tomorrow and Commission 9 Working Groups Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States Rapporteur: Mr David Smejkal, Czech Republic
The valuation of real estate is an evolving discipline and the global economy depends on its continued refinement and improvement. This session focuses on the Working Groups of Commission 9 (the Valaution and Management of Real Estate) and presentations on innovative real estate valuation models.
Antonio Benvenuti (Italy): Market Value with the Direct Capitalisation Through the Building and Land Rate (8722) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Gunnar Rutegård and Anders Bogghed (Sweden): Use of Laser Data as a Tool when Calculating the Volume of Standing Forest in Property Tax Assessment of Agricultural Properties (8794) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Seppo Järvinen and Esa Ärölä (Finland): Market Based Income Approach for Forest Valuation (8937) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alexander Dorndorf, Matthias Soot, Alexandra Weitkamp and Hamza Alkhatib (Germany): A Heuristic Robust Approach for Real Estate Valuation in Areas with Few Transactions (8982) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 16:00–17:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS05J: FIG Commission 1 Working Group Issues Commission: 1 Chair: Mr. Gary Strong, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Kate Fairlie, United Kingdom
An update on issues under consideration by Commission 1.
Brian Coutts (New Zealand): Geospatial Surveyors – What's in a Name? (9133) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Robyn McCutcheon (Australia): Status of Women in the Spatial Industry Internationally (8771) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Kate Fairlie (United Kingdom), Eva-Maria Unger (Austria) and Cecilia Linden (Sweden): Tracking the Gender Dimensions of a Surveying Career (9020) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Donald Grant (Australia): International Boundaries on a Dynamic Planet – Issues Relating to Plate Tectonics and Reference Frame Changes (8882) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Haim Srebro (Israel): The Influence of Changes in the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers on the International and Cadastral Boundaries (8534) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Michel Bacchus (France): Recent Improvements to the Digital Files of International Borders of France (9066) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Henning Elmstrøm (Denmark) and Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium): FIG and the Regional Organizations (9105) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Wednesday, 31 May 17:30–18:30 Messukeskus
| FIG Commissions Annual Meetings
The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work. After the meeting each commission hosts a dinner.
Join the meetings in following rooms:
- Commission 1: Professional Standards and Practice in Room 217
- Commission 2: Professional Education in Room 209
- Commission 3: Spatial Information Management in Room 207
- 3D Cadastre]
- Commission 4: Hydrography in Room 103B
- WG 4.1]
- Commission 5: Positioning and Measurement in Room 103A
- Commission 6: Engineering Surveys in Room 208
- Commission 7: Cadastre and Land Management in Room 101
- WG 7.1]
- 3D Cadastre]
- Commission 8: Spatial Planning and Development in Room 215
- Commission 9: Valuation and the Management of Real Estate in Room 216
- Commission 10: Construction Economics and Management in Room 102
| Wednesday, 31 May 19:00–23:00 To be decided by each Commission
| Commission Dinners
Details of Commission Dinner will be sent to Commission delegates.
| Thursday, 1 June | Thursday, 1 June 09:00–10:30 101, Messukeskus
| Plenary Session 3 Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, FIG Vice President, Sweden Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Still, Finland
Theme: The Contribution of our Profession – In a Digitalised World
- Prof. Markku Poutanen, Director, Geodesy and Geodynamics
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
- Mr. Fredrik Zetterquist, UN-ECE WPLA Chair and CEO of Swedesurvey
- Prof. Dr. Juha Hyyppä, Director, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
| Thursday, 1 June 10:30–11:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Morning Break | Thursday, 1 June 10:45–11:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| TRIMBLE: Field to Finish with Confidence Chair: Mr. Boris Skopljak, Trimble, United States
| Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 217, Messukeskus
| FIG Standards Network Session Chair: Dr. David Martin, France Rapporteur: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand
The FIG Standards Network meets regularly to discuss relevant standards in the Survey Profession. The terms of reference of the Network are:
- Building and maintaining relations with the secretariats of standardisation bodies,
- Proposing priorities on FIG's standardisation activities, including advising the Council on priorities for spending,
- Setting up necessary Liaison relationships with standardisation bodies,
- Ensuring that lead contacts to Technical Committees etc… are in place,
- Maintaining an information flow on standardisation to FIG members, including through the FIG website, and more directly to relevant Commission Officers,
- Maintaining this Guide, and related material on the FIG website,
- Working with other NGOs, within the framework of the MOUs signed by the Council,
- Advising FIG's officers and members on standardisation activities as necessary.
All those interested in standards and their influence on the surveying profession are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
| Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 212, Messukeskus
| Regional Bodies Forum Chair: Mr. Maurice Barbieri, Belgium
A Forum of Regional Bodies will meet for the second time in
Helsinki. This meeting has the following goals:
- Build on the first meeting of the Forum in Christchurch to
discuss its Terms of Reference;
- Exchange priorities, trends and best practices;
- Advise FIG about possible strategies (proposal CLGE: Global
Surveyors Day).
| Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Geodesy and Surveying Applications II Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Mirjam Bilker Koivula, Jyrki Mononen, Christoph Förste, Franz Barthelmes, Jonas Ågren (Sweden), Biao Lu (Germany) and Timo Saari (Finland): Improving the Geoid Model for Future GNSS-based Navigation in the Baltic Sea (8935) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Belhadj Attaouia, Kahlouche Salem, Ghezali Boualem and Gourine Bachir (Algeria): Computation of Continuous Displacement Field from GPS Data -Comparative Study with Several Interpolation Methods (8754) [abstract]
[handouts] Christoph Holst, Berit Schmitz and Heiner Kuhlmann (Germany): Investigating the Applicability of Standard Software Packages for Laser Scanner Based Deformation Analyses (8736) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kristian Evers and Thomas Knudsen (Denmark): Transformation pipelines for PROJ.4 (9156) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Christopher Page, Pascal Sirguey, Richard Hemi (New Zealand), Ghyslain Ferrè, Elisabeth Simonetto, Christophe Charlet and Damien Houvet (France): Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Documentation of Heritage Tunnels: An Error Analysis (8891) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniel Gillins and Michael Dennis (USA): Inclusion of Leveling with GNSS Observations in a Single, 3-D Geodetic Survey Network Adjustment (9075) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Hendriatiningsih Sadikin, Heri Andreas and Andika Prasetya Suherman Putra (Indonesia): Land Parcel 3d Mapping Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (tls), Case Study: Mutiara Beach, Jakarta, Indonesia (8894) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG) Chair: Mr. Kees De Zeeuw, Kadaster International, Netherlands Rapporteur: Dr. Robin McLaren, United Kingdom
This session will focus on Surveyor Generals and other government representatives. The session will be in partnership with UN-Habitat/GLTN, FIG and Kadaster
To create awareness and further understanding on the need for a
“Guide on Valuation of Unregistered Lands” that caters the needs
of the policy makers and practitioners.
To solicit more ideas, inputs and comments on the draft Guide
and ways to move this tool forward for finalization.
To create awareness on other valuation related activities by GLTN
partners and to discuss links and potential synergies.
Introduction: Programme Objectives
Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Synopsis: Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration
Christiaan Lemmen, Suzanne Valkman and Carline Amsing (Netherlands): (Netherlands):
FFP Land Administration in Select Countries – “The Partnership on Land
in National Development”
Oumar Sylla, UN Habitat GLTN (Kenya):
Mainstreaming FFP Land Administration Approaches in GLTN Priority
Mika Torhonen, World Bank
Institutionalizing FFP Land Administration in World Bank Supported
Open Discussion
- Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities
Diane Dumashie, FIG (United Kingdom)
FIG’s View on Way Forward
Robin McLaren, (United Kingdom)
Summary and Closing
| Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| Voluntary Guideline on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) (FAO & FIG) Chair: Mr. Morten Hartvigsen, FAO (Hungary), Rapporteur: Dr. David Egiashvili, Georgia Marije Louwsma, Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands), Morten Hartvigsen (Hungary), Juhana Hiironen (Finland) and Jean Du Plessis (Kenya): Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development – the Issues to Be Addressed (8973) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Morten Hartvigsen, Katalin Ludvig and Maxim Gorgan (Hungary): Land Consolidation as Vehicle for Implementation of VGGTs and SDGs (9007) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] David Egiashvili (Georgia): The Relationship Between Land Administration, Land Consolidation and VGGT Implementation (9170) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] U Soe Htun Aung, Assistant Director (Myanmar): Experiences so far from introduction of land consolidation in Myanmar (9171) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS06A: Land Management in Growing Urban Zones Commission: 7 Chair: Prof Anka Lisec, Slovenia Rapporteur: Mr. Habtemicael Weldegiorgis, Eritrea Yoko Horie, Saya Kobayashi and Masaru Kaidzu (Japan): A Concept of Land Administration Tool against City Sprawl (8769) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ine Buntinx, Serene Ho, Bruno Broucker and Joep Crompvoets (Belgium): Implementing Innovative Land Tenure Tools In East-Africa: SWOT-Analysis Of Land Governance (9044) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ashokkumar Shrestha, Purna Nepali and Reshma Shrestha (Nepal): Livelihoods of Squatter Settlements: Analysis from Tenure Perspective (8536) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Abebe Zeluel, Solomon Kebede, Baheru Zeyenu and Tuomo Heinonen (Ethiopia): New Urban Land File Management System of Ethiopia (9005) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Isa Mohd Noor, Teng Chee Hua, A. Rahman M. Jazuli, Sarah Shaharuddin and Siti Baiduri Mohd Yusof (Malaysia): Cadastral In Supporting Smart Cities In Malaysia (8908) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chukwubueze Onwuzuligbo, Victor Nnam, Precious Alozie and Emeka Ejezie (Nigeria): Implementation of Social Tenure Domain Model in Okpoko,
Anambra Stae, Nigeria. (8569) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS06C: Classical and Emerging Positioning Techniques Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. Kevin Kelly, United States Rapporteur: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia
Surveying and geodesy show a wide range of practical and scientific activities dealing with classical techniques like levelling up to new developments like Wi-Fi positioning thereby covering quite different accuracy levels. In this session some contributions are focusing on indoor positioning using RFID, Wi-Fi, ultra wide band or dead reckoning. In contradiction other authors deal with tachymeters, GNSS, levelling and laser scanning as well as calibration procedures for standard surveying.
Vassilis Gikas, Harris Perakis, Allison Kealy (Australia), Guenther Retscher (Austria), Constantinos Antoniou (Germany) and Thanassis Mpimis (Greece): Indoor Parking Facilities Management Based on RFID CoO Positioning in Combination with Wi-Fi and UWB (8576) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Harald Sternberg and Thomas Willemsen (Germany): Position Estimation Based on MEMS Inertial Sensors for the Use as Pedestrian Navigation (8558) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Laura Ruotsalainen and Simo Gröhn (Finland): Conferest- Event Application for Comfortable Visiting Experience (8965) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Milan Horemuz and Jansson Patric (Sweden): Optimum Establishment of Total Station (8846) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Francis Okeke, Olayemi Odumosu and Victor Nnam (Nigeria): Relative Study of the Accuracy of Spirit Levelling and GNSS Levelling (8581) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alain De Wulf, Michiel Decock, Annelies Vandenbulcke, Cornelis Stal and Philippe De Maeyer (Belgium): Noise Reduction Algorithm for Mobile LiDAR Data of Sand Ripples in Intertidal Zones of Beaches (8813) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jorma Jokela (Finland): Use of Nummela Standard Baseline in Present-Day European Metrology Research (8971) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 103B, Messukeskus
| FIG Platinum Member: LEICA GEOSYSTEM Chair: Ms. Vanda Kadlecikova & Mr. Vahur Joala, Finland When it has to be right
This presentation is planned to be as dialogue between Vanda Kadlecikova from Heerbrugg (BLK360 team) and Vahur Joala Leica Finland.
Dialogue is built up on base how Leica can provide needed solutions to the customers.
This is not just technical presentation.
Dialogue is supported with PPT and videos.
| Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS06F: Registration of Rights as a Tool for Real Estate Markets Commission: 7 Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Australia Rapporteur: Dr. Ludmila Pietrzak, Poland Richard Grover (United Kingdom): Fair, Efficient and Accessible Property Markets (8986) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Leikny Gammelmo (Norway): Should People Trust Information from the Cadastre? – the Case of Public Administrative Usage in Norway (8501) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Alexandra Högblom Moisio (Sweden): 3D Real Property Formation in Sweden (8991) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rong (Rosy) Liao (China, PR): The Direction of Rural Land Management Reform in China (9138) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Haodong Zhang and Conrad Tang (Hong Kong SAR, China): A Participatory Model for the Assessment of Cadastral Survey Systems – Case study report of Hong Kong (8591) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS06H: Unpacking Planning Principles for Sustainable Development Commission: 8 Chair: Dr. Michael Klaus, China Rapporteur: Ms. Rosy Liao Rong, China Peter Nwilo, Emmanuel Ayodele and Chukwuma Okolie (Nigeria): Determination of the Impacts of Landscape Offsets on the 30-metre SRTM DEM through a comparative analysis with Bare-Earth Elevations (8560) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Peter Nyhlén (Sweden): National Geodata Strategy for Sweden 2016-2020 Developed Co-Operation for Open and Usable Geodata Via Services (8791) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mark Obbink (Netherlands): Widen Your View with SKETCH ‘n MATCH
Empowering Participatory Planning in Rural and Spatial Development
(8823) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Robert Kaden and Christian Clemen (Germany): Applying Geodetic Coordinate Reference Systems within Building Information Modeling (BIM) (8967) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yaïves Ferland, Francis Roy and Guy Mercier (Canada): The Rise and Fall of Zoning (9071) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 11:00–12:30 216, Messukeskus
| TS06I: Real Estate Taxation Solutions for a Changing World Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Mr. Risto Peltola, Finland
Real estate taxation is one of the core components in many national budgets. This session focuses on new solutions to increase accuracy and efficiency in taxation to support a well-functioning economy.
Risto Peltola (Finland): How Finland Approaches Land Value Taxation: an Experiment to Cost-Effectively Value Land in a System Where Land and Structures Are Valued Separately (8666) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Quang Thanh Bui (Viet Nam): House Price Estimation in Hanoi Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine: in Considering Effects of Status and House Quality (8751) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maximilian Karl (Germany): The Fiscal Reform of Land Tax in Germany: Still a Report for the Time Being? Same Old, Same Old... (8810) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nanin Sugito, Irawan Sumarto, Hendriatiningsih Sadikin and Bambang Leksono (Indonesia): Urban Land Sector Assessment using Simultaneous Equation Model as Single Value for Multipurpose (8917) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. | Thursday, 1 June 11:45–12:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| SENSEFLY: Mapping the entire land mass of Zanzibar using senseFly drones Chair: Mr. Brock Ryder, SenseFly
The presentation will detail the unique—and uniquely immense—mapping mission. It will cover: how the project came to life, its objectives, example workflows, the challenges involved and how the project’s final high-resolution orthomosaic, created with next-generation survey drone technology, will benefit local communities for years to come.
| Thursday, 1 June 12:30–14:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Lunch | Thursday, 1 June 12:45–13:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| ESRI: High Accuracy, Cloud Cadastre Chair: Mr. Ilkka Suojanen, Esri, Finland
| Thursday, 1 June 13:00–13:50 103A, Messukeskus
| FIG Task Force on Commission Structure: Open Discussion on the Task Force Recommendations Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
Open discussion on the Task Force recommendations
| Thursday, 1 June 13:45–14:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| COMNAV TECHNOLOGY Chair: Mr: Andy Yin and Mr. Colar Wen, ComNav, China
| Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| FIG Academic Forum on VGGT (FAO & FIG) Chair: Prof. Walter de Vries, Netherlands
The 2017 FIG Academic Members Forum is the platform within the 40th FIG General Assembly where the Academic Members of FIG and other academicians gather to discuss about academic responsibilities and prepare actions. This session presents the outcome of the work of the Academic Members Working Group ‘Exploring the VGGT in Practice’ on the implementation of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, the VGGT, in the surveying profession and professional education. In a Round Table setting the results will be discussed resulting in an agreement on the way forward.
Walter Timo de Vries (Germany), Chethna Ben (Fiji), Mohsen Kalantari (Australia), Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands) and Francis Roy (Canada): How is the VGGT Travelling over Time in the Survey Community? (8735) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands), Francis Roy (Canada), Walter Timo de Vries (Germany), Mohsen Kalantari (Australia) and Chethna Ben (Fiji): Land Governance for Surveyors: the VGGT in the Curriculum. (8602) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] David Mitchell (Australia), Siraj Sait (United Kingdom), Jean Du Plessis (Kenya) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands): Towards a Responsible Land Administration Curriculum (8876) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: Tools in Land Governance, Climate Change and the Cadastre Chair: Mr. Simon Ironside, New Zealand
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Christiaan Lemmen, Kees De Zeeuw and Peter Van Oosterom (Netherlands): Further Development of Operational Standards in Support to Land Administration (9033) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ludmila Pietrzak and Andrzej Hopfer (Poland): Extension of Property Rights in the Context of Marking Parcel Lines in Works Related to Cadastral Parcel Lines (9157) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Diah Dzihrina, Heru Murti and Hanhan L. Syahid (Indonesia): A Way to Accelerate Land Registration Programme through Participatory Mapping (Case Study: Indonesia) (9106) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mehmet Alkan and Zeynel Abidin Polat (Turkey): Design and Determine the Spatio-Temporal Cadastral Data Infrastructure for LADM (8633) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Asmamaw Yehun, Amezene Reda, Animaw Mekonen and Solomon Chekole (Ethiopia): Evaluation of Current Urban Cadastre Practice in Ethiopia: Case of Bahir Dar, Gondar and Dessie (8804) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland (Trinidad And Tobago): Determining Cadastral System Conformity to the VGGTs (8849) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sandra Rodriguez, Daniel Páez (Colombia) and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia): Analysis of the Implementation of Multipurpose Cadastre in Colombia from an International Perspective (8866) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Tarja Myllymäki and Tuomas Kautto (Finland): Why Interoperability of Data Is So Challenging? (8979) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Asli Dogru, Deniz Okcu, Asli Sabuncu and Haluk Ozener (Turkey): Interaction of Spatial and Temporal Integration of Climate Characteristics by GIS (8966) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wang Xiaofan, Dai Erfu and Guo Xudong (China, PR): Modelling the Coupled Effects of Climate Change and Management Approaches in the Plantations of Southern China (8596) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 209 , Messukeskus
| Land Tools for Tenure Security (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG) Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, UN-Habitat GLTN, Kenya
This session highlights land tools for achievement the Sustainable Development Goals, New Urban Agenda, Voluntary Guidelines. Key considerations being gender; continuum of land rights; support to economic growth, poverty eradication, food security; addressing causes not only symptoms; and improvements in data capture/sources to cater for all land users and holders. Some Partners implementing these tools at country level will share their experiences. The session will be in partnership with FIG, University of Twente, RMIT University & UN-Habitat/GLTN.
- To sensitize stakeholders on the need for the development of
pro-poor and gender responsive land tools.
- To provide an overview on the development and application of
land tools in support of the continuum of land rights by GLTN
- To showcase the emerging outcomes from land tools application.
Overview of the Session - Introduction
Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
Land Tools: Why, What and How?
Diane Dumashie, FIG (United Kingdom):
Responding to the Challenge: The Role of FIG and Land Professionals
David Mitchell (Australia):
Bridging the Gaps: The Need for Capacity Development
Open Discussion
Oumar Sylla, UN Habitat GLTN (Kenya):
Tools Application: Emerging Stories from the Field
Open Discussion: Gaps, Challenges and Way Forward
| Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS07A: Finding Synergies for Land Planning and Land Registration Commission: 7 and 8 Chair: Mr. Ari Tella, Finland Rapporteur: Ms. Claire Galpin, France Salim Khamis Al Najashi (Oman): The Development of a Prototype SDI Compliant
2D Cadastral Parcels Model to Produce a Cadastral Dataset for Oman
(8568) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hyejung Ko (Republic of Korea): Spatial Planning and Management Using Augmented Reality (9161) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Shimon Barazani and Yaron Felus (Israel): New Cadastral Processes for Town Planning Aim at Expediting Land Registration (9080) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Carline Amsing, Rohan (R.M) Bennett, Jaap (J.A.) Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Serene Ho (Belgium): Assessing Technological Possibility Against Societal Need: Smart Sketch Maps for Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (8737) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jani Hokkanen and Esa Tiainen (Finland): Cadaster Development and Support to UN SDGs (8842) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mikko Marjomaa (Finland): Land Consolidation and Jointly Owned Forest – Case Haukipudas (8833) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS07C: GNSS I Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia Rapporteur: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany
GNSS has blown up the surveying market decades ago, but is still a topic for practical activities and scientific contributions. This session deals with challenges related to CORS networks and RTK-positioning even covering issues like business models. Other focal points of this session are investigations related to the ionosphere being still one of the largest GNSS error sources. Additionally so-called urban canyons are shadowing GNSS signals. Here special solutions will be presented to get accurate and reliable solutions.
Hannu Koivula, Antti Laaksonen, Sonja Lahtinen, Jaakko Kuokkanen and Simo Marila (Finland): Finnish Permanent GNSS Network, FinnRef (8939) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sadat Bakici, Omer Salgin, Tahsin Kara, Serdar Erguner, Erkan Kulaksiz and ali ilbey (Turkey): Business Model of CORS-TR (TUSAGA-AKTIF) (8913) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Tansu Erol, Bilal Erkek and Sedat Bakici (Turkey): Trusted Data Communication and Security Issues in RTK GNSS Network (8613) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hancock Craig, Huib de Ligt (China, PR) and Xu Tang (China, PR): The Possibility of Using GNSS Quality Control Parameters to Assess Ionospheric Scintillation Errors (8822) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kazuki Sakai, Basara Miyahara, Yohei Hiyama and Tomoaki Furuya (Japan): Development of GNSS Positioning Technique for Improving Positioning Accuracy Under Urban Environments (8784) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Fuat Basciftci, Cevat Inal, Omer Yildirim and Sercan Bulbul (Turkey): Determination of Regional TEC Values by GNSS Measurements, A Case Study: Central Anatolia Sample, Turkey (8940) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 103B, Messukeskus
| TS07D: Construction Standard, Regulation & Best Practices Commission: 10 Chair: Ing. Robert Sinkner, Czech Republic Rapporteur: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany
As the world becomes more global and integrated, there is a need for international standard that provides clarity and consistency in the manner we measure construction works and construction cost. This session provides an insight of current initiatives in developing an international standard for measurement of construction cost, ICMS.
Ayodeji Oke, Clinton Aigbavboa (South Africa) and Olayinka Ibitoye (Nigeria): Effects of Globalization on Quantity Surveying Practice in an Emerging Economy (8483) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Ayodeji Oke (South Africa), Treasure Ijieh (Nigeria) and Clinton Aigbavboa (South Africa): Appraisal of Qualitative Factors Affecting Contractors' Tender Price in a Developing Country (8484) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Ruya Fadason, Chitumu Danladi and Sharon Jatau (Nigeria): Construction Standard and Regulation in Nigeria (8746) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ong See Lian (Malaysia): ICMS - Global Consistency in Reporting Construction Cost (8890) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS07E: GIS as a Critical Tool in Research and Disaster Recovery Preparedness, Recovery and Management Commission: 3 Chair: Dr. Juerg Luethy, Switzerland Rapporteur: Prof. Giuseppina Vacca, Italy
The data on disaster risk play a vital role for the services they provide to society. In this context, the management of risk and the management in the field of civil protection, summarize the key contributions and challenges of using and accepting GIS as a method of prevention, research, estimation of the damage and the organization of rescue. The session also examines the vulnerability indicators such as the voluntary information (crowdsourcing and other emerging concepts). In this session it is also discussed the issue of potential GIS infrastructure and how they might be applied to develop the innovation.
Denny Lumban Raja, Adang Saputra (Indonesia) and Johannes Anhorn (Germany): Spatial Analysis of Soil Erosion and its Correlation with Landslide Events: Case Study of Cipongkor, West Bandung District (8713) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rudiney Pereira, Emanuel Silva, Elisiane Alba and Juliana Marchesan (Brazil): Open Source Tools for Integrated Production Information on Forest Areas - Study Case: Spatial Analysis of Forest Fragments in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. (8797) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Suman Baral (Nepal): Web and Mobile GIS for Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation: Use Case of Nepal (8836) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Dewi Gentana, Emi Sukiyah, M. Lobo Balia, Nana Sulaksana and Euis Tintin Yuningsih (Indonesia): Determination of Tanggamus Geothermal Prospect Area, Lampung Province, South Sumatra Based on Remote Sensing and 3D Micromine Software (8871) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Cromwell Manaloto, Alessandro Dalmasso, Daniele Brancato, Luca Dal Buono and Gianrico Baldini (Italy): Surveyors' Role In Post-Seismic Scenario: The Earthquake In Centre Italy (9018) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS07H: Preparedness or Response: The Dilemma in Planning Policy Choices for Environmental Hazards and Sustainable Development Commission: 8 Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana Rapporteur: Mr. Bruce Keith, United Kingdom Habtemicael Weldegiorgis (Eritrea): The Role of National Park Development in 'Recovery from Disaster' (8492) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Lukas Rammer, Gerhard Navratil and Julius Ernst (Austria): After the Disaster –Cadastral Processes to Establish Legal Security (8519) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Biplov Bhandari (Nepal), Manzul Kumar Hazarika (India) and Nuwan Waidyanatha (Sri Lanka): The role of SAMBRO as Cross-Agency Situational-Awareness Platform for Disaster Risk Management (8592) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hassan Chtouki (Morocco): The Contribution of the City Planning in the Urban Resilience to the Hazards of Earthquakes and Floods: the Case of Morocco (8759) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Andiani Andiani (Indonesia) and Sulamith Kastl (Germany): A Guideline to Incorporate Geological Hazard Information to Spatial Planning for Local Governments in Indonesia (8877) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Asli Sabuncu (Turkey): Object Based Land Cover Classification with Orthophoto Data
After Natural Disaster
(8924) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 216, Messukeskus
| TS07I: Extreme Valuation Challenges and How to Overcome Them Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Dr. Michael McDermott, Australia
The accurate valuation of real estate underpins every successful economy. However, some real estate markets include especially difficult valuation challenges that require innovative solutions. In this session we will examine some solutions to these extreme challenges.
Felician Komu (Tanzania): Property Valuation Systems and Methods in Tanzania- An Empirical Analysis (8551) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Matthias Soot, Alexandra Weitkamp, Alexander Dorndorf, Anja Jeschke and Hamza Alkhatib (Germany): Different Regions with Few Transaction - An Approach of
Systematization (8648) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Michael McDermott (Australia) and Matt Myers (USA): Presenting a Guide to the Valuation of Unregistered Land (8796) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Efstathios Katagis and Konstantina Mangina (United Kingdom): Logistics: the New High Street. Is Greece Capable of Following the Example of Poland? (8865) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 15:30–16:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Afternoon Break | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 212, Messukeskus
| FIG Corporate Members Meeting Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
| Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 102, Messukeskus
| ISS: The Way we Work: Considering Land consolidation, Compensation and Boundaries Chair: Mr Robert W. Foster, United States
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Zhang Jing, Wang Ke, Xu Hongwei, Deng Jingsong and Yu Zhoulu (China, PR): Research on the Consolidation of Rural Construction Land under China’s New Urbanization Plan — A Case Study in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, China (8786) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lei Yang (China, PR): Smart Land Consolidation Approach in China a Case Study of Chengdu Plain (8777) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kalle Konttinen (Finland): The Reliction in the Finnish Cadaster - A Very Finnish Problem (8647) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bambang Edhi Leksono, Nanin Trianawati Sugito, Andri Rapik Ahmadi, Levana Apriani, Muhammad Ihsan, Agung Budi Harto and Wiwin Windupranata (Indonesia): Study of Public Lands Compensation in Capacity and Existence of Abrasion and Accretion (Case Study: Northern Coast Region, Indramayu, West Java) (8790) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Petri Lukin (Finland): Expropriation in Finland (8932) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Atifah Rabbani, Alfita
Puspa Handayani and Andri
Hernandi (Indonesia):
Spatial Analysis about the Adjustment of NJOP based on Assessment
Ratio in Bandung (8949)
[abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference.
| Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 101, Messukeskus
| TS08A: Securing Rights with New Technologies Commission: 7 Chair: Dr. Robin McLaren, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Dr. Kirsikka Riekkinen, Finland Kees de Zeeuw and Martin Salzmann (Netherlands): Tenure Security as a Service (8976) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sanjaya Manandhar and Bijaya Kumar Manandhar (Nepal): The Importance of RRR in Cadastral System (8747) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Libor Tomandl (Czech Republic): Solutions for Increasing Legal Credibility of Property Boundary (8884) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Murat Meha, Muzafer Çaka, Rexhep Kqiku and Korab Ahmetaj (Kosovo): Enhancing Cadastral Land Information System Towards Soa in Republic of Kosovo (8631) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Leiv Bjarte Mjøs (Norway): Cadastral Development in Norway and Need for Improvements (9024) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Donald Grant (Australia): Earthquake Affected Cadastral Boundaries in New Zealand – Legislation and Maintenance of Cadastral Spatial Accuracy (8934) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 103A, Messukeskus
| TS08C: GNSS Il Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden Rapporteur: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia
GNSS has blown up the surveying market decades ago, but is still a topic for practical activities and scientific contributions. Currently Multi-GNSS, the combination of GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galileo and more, is a hot topic in the community. Consequently new developments contributing to this topic are discussed here. Further on research with respect to important error sources as tropospheric effects and antenna influences are presented too.
Gethin Wyn Roberts (United Kingdom): Triple Frequency Multi-GNSS Cycle Slip Detection Using Ionospheric Residuals. (8785) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hussein Msaewe, Craig Hancock, Panos Psimoulis, Gethin Roberts and Lukasz Bonenberg (United Kingdom): Assessment of the Effects of Combining Multi-GNSS Constellations on the Solution Accuracy and Availability (8831) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Cetin Mekik, Ilke Deniz and Gokhan Gurbuz (Turkey): Determination of the Most Applicable Precipitable Water Vapour Model for Turkey Using GNSS (8512) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Li Zhang and Volker Schwieger (Germany): Investigation of a L1-optimzed Choke Ring Ground Plane for
a Low-Cost GPS Receiver-System
(8513) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Jeremiah Richard and Chima Ogba (Nigeria): Analysis of Accuracy of Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and Google Earth Digital Terrain
Model (DTM) Data using Geographic Information System Techniques
(8585) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Note: This paper was not presented at the conference. Reinhard Blasi and Alina Hriscu (Czech Republic): European GNSS for Surveying and Mapping (8738) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 103B, Messukeskus
| TS08D: Technology and Sensors Commission: 4 Chair: Mr. Michael Sutherland, Trinidad and Tobago Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom The advent of technology no doubt has made task easier to execute as well as solving many complex problems that make lives easier and better. The use of sensors in hydrographic surveying has made the hydrographer to achieved better results that would not have been possible some years back. The extent of these achievements in various applications would be discussed by experts from Australia, Europe, and Republic of Korea.
Hungkyu Lee, Yunsu Choi, Guenwoo Ham and Seonghyeon Yun (Republic of Korea): Experimental Assessment of Achievable Accuracy of GNSS-Derived Heights from Carrier Phase-Based Positioning Techniques for Ellipsoidally Referenced Hydrographic Surveys (8792) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hugh Parker, Mark Sinclair and Benoit Cajelot (Australia): Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Operations in Challenging Environments as Experienced in Finland (8885) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Erwin Heine (Austria): Multi-Transducer Sediment Echo Sounder for 3D Documentation of Submerged Archaeological Sites – a Case Study at a Prehistoric Pile Dwelling at Lake Mondsee (Austria) (9012) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Tanja Dufek (Germany): Concept of Autonomous UUV/USV Operations for Harbor Surveys (8554) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Dino Dragun (Croatia), Lieselot Noppe, Pierre Serpe (Belgium), Emeline Caron and Astrid Robert (France): Semi-Buried Seabed Object Detection: Sonar vs. Geophysical Methods (9102) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 207 - TRIMBLE room, Messukeskus
| TS08E: Cartography and Aereophotogrammetry Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Pietro Grimaldi, Italy Rapporteur: Mr. Alessandro Dalmasso, Italy
The topic about Cartography and Aereophotogrammetry in Land Use offers researches, applications and contributions with a unified approach to planning, to mobility and to environment. The session will show original inter-disciplinary papers on the interaction of land use, on transport and on the compatible development. The papers contain hints about the engineering, planning, modeling, economics, geography, regional studies, architecture, network science and other complex systems.
Harry Ferdiansyah (Germany): Scheme for Enriching Authoritative Geospatial Information using Participatory Mapping Data in Indonesia (8520) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Jinyue Wang, Martin Metzner and Volker Schwieger (Germany): Accuracy and Quality Assessment of Various Digital Road Maps for Wrong-Way Driving Detection on German Autobahn
(8614) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. You Shao and Samsung Lim (Australia): A Semi-Automatic Method for Building Boundary Extraction from Airborne Lidar Data (8779) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Juha Oksanen, Christian Koski, Pyry Kettunen and Tapani Sarjakoski (Finland): Automatic Generation of Cartographic Features for Relief Presentation Based on LIDAR DEMs (8950) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hayrettin Acar, Mehmet Ozturk, Fevzi Karsli and Mustafa Dihkan (Turkey): Automatic Extraction of Oblique Roofs for Buildings from Point Clouds Produced by High Resolution Colur-Infrared Aerial Images (9002) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lingli Zhu, Juha Suomalainen, Eero Salminen, Juha Hyyppä, Harri Kaartinen, Arttu Julin and Hannu Hyyppä (Finland): Augmented Reality and Remote Sensing: Using Multi-Spectrum to Exhibit Our Physical Environment (9029) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 209 , Messukeskus
| TS08F: Taking Responsibility for Interest Groups and Stakeholders Commission: 7 Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland Rapporteur: Ms. Marija Juric, Sweden James Kavanawgh (United Kingdom): Land Transfer Standards – Bringing Fit for Purpose Concepts to the Land Transaction Process (8594) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kim Muni (Republic of Korea): Revolutionizing Land Survey in the 5G era (9162) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maliheh Gholamhosseini (Iran), Arbind (Man) Tuladhar and Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands): Insecurity of Land Tenure and Women Vulnerability in Climate Change (8684) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Michael Barry (Canada): A Word Processor Based Deed Design to Facilitate Land Title Adjustment (8687) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thomas Dabiri (Nigeria): Delta State Government of Nigeria Good Cadastre Initiative And Poor Cadastre Infrastructure: A Weak Foundation For Good Governance And Good Citizenship (8926) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 208 - BENTLEY room, Messukeskus
| TS08G: Demand, Quality and Accreditation of Education Commission: 2 Chair: Dr. Francis Roy, Canada Rapporteur: Ms. Benedicta Amarachi Ugwulebo, Nigeria
In this session we bring together the presentations related to the demand for and supply of professional education, aiming at bridging the gap between the education sector and the labor market (Working Group 2.3). It further hosts the presentations related to quality of education and academic accreditation of surveying education programs and the mutual recognition of surveying education degrees (Working Group 2.4).
Ibrahim Sa'idu Jahun (Nigeria): The Roles and Contributions of Nigerian Polytechnics in the Development of Surveying and Geo-Informatics Education,Issues,Prospects and Challenges: A Global Perspective (8584) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dimo Todorovski, Jaap Zevenbergen and Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands): Land Administration Master’s Programme Mission Revisited (8616) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Fahria Masum (Germany), Liza Groenendijk (Netherlands), Reinfried Mansberger (Austria) and Audrey Martin (Ireland): Enhancing the Role of Surveyors: Bridging the Gap Between Demand for and Supply of Professional Education (8681) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alias Abdul Rahman and W. M. Aminuddin Wan Hussin (Malaysia): Establishing The Geomatic Accreditation Council In Malaysia (8752) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ashim Babu Shrestha (Nepal): Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial (Geomatics/Surveying) Education in Nepal (9003) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 215 - ESRI room, Messukeskus
| TS08H: Land Governance in Planning Policies Commission: 8 Chair: Dr. Michael Klaus, China Rapporteur: Ms. Yvonne Sowah, Ghana Eunice Ms Matey (Ghana), Monica Lengoiboni and Mila Koeva (Netherlands): Zoning Standards and Compliance in the Context of Customary Tenure System: a Case Study of West Ashiyie, Adentan Municipality in Ghana (8695) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Akkelies Van Nes (Norway): Spatial Improvement Strategies for Deprived Neighbourhoods (8718) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Julia Berglund (Sweden): Social Responsibility in Land Allocation Agreements – An Example from Malmö (Sweden) (8911) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Guy Mercier, Francis Roy, Etienne Berthold and Yaïves Ferland (Canada): Understanding Current Cities Through the Individual Actions of Land Developers: A New Biographical Methodology (9053) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 216, Messukeskus
| TS08I: GIS and its Evolving Roll in Valuation and Standards Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Ben Elder, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
A successful real estate market is a key component of a successful economy. The evolving relationship between GIS systems, Valuation and Standards helps make this economic sector transparent and efficient. This session will address the latest tools to help foster the real estate sector in the coming generations.
Sølve Bærug (Norway): Legal, Tolerated, Illegal: IVS Market Value Definition and the “Legally Permissible” (8559) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Ben Elder (United Kingdom): Significant Changes in International Standards – What Do They Mean for the Valuation Practitioner (8603) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Abdullah Kara, Volkan Cagdas, Umit Isikdag (Turkey), Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands) and Erik Stubkjær (Denmark): Towards an International Information Standard for Immovable Property Valuation
(8901) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Volkan Cagdas, Abdullah Kara (Turkey), Peter van Oosterom, Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands) and Erik Stubkjær (Denmark): A Knowledge Organization System for the Development of an ISO 19152:2012 LADM Valuation Module (8904) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ali Elbattay, Abderrzak Bannari and Nadir A. Hameed (Bahrain): Development of a Fast and Cost Effective Geospatial Techniques to Monitor Real Estate Potential of Residential Manmade Islands in the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (9025) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 16:00–17:30 217, Messukeskus
| TS08J: New Survey Regulations Commission: 1 Chair: Ms. Robyn Mccutcheon, Australia Rapporteur: Dr. Brian Coutts, New Zealand
An international perspective on regulatory issues.
Kristian Holmén (Finland): The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Land Surveying in Finland (9049) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Arve Leiknes (Norway): Proposal for Introduction of Professional Cadastral Surveying in Norway (9028) [abstract]
[paper] [handouts] Vadim Fishbein, Yaron Felus, Shimon Brazani and Ronen Regev (Israel): The New Israeli Survey Regulations (9057) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jerry Carter and Patrick Tami (USA): Surveying Licensure in the United States – The Licensure Process and Efforts to Promote the Surveying Profession (9111) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hartmut Müller and Ulrike Klein (Germany): Geo Data Management, a New Area of Activity for Surveyors (8972) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gennady Pobedinskiy and Alexander Prusakov (Russia): The Legal and Technical Regulation of the Geodetic, Cartographic and Spatial Data in the Russian Federation (9120) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] | Thursday, 1 June 17:30–18:30 Töölönlahti, Karamzininranta 4
| FIG YSN Charity Run / Walk Join us - for our 5k charity walk/run.
Everybody can do it - it’s all about the joined activity with our friends and colleagues.
We want to do good - and give back. With this charity walk/run we will support.
| Thursday, 1 June 19:00–23:00 Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13
| Gala Dinner The Gala Dinner will be held in one of the most famous buildings in Finland and the venue of the 1990 FIG Congress, the Finlandia Hall. It is a masterpiece of Finnish architect, created by the world-renowned Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto. Its combination of an all-embracing aesthetic vision, distinctive atmosphere and functionality is unique. The location in a park by the sea in the centre of Helsinki adds the final touch to a building which has no equivalent, neither in Finland nor anywhere else.
A splendid three-course meal will be followed by speeches and music performances, among others masterpieces composed by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.
| Friday, 2 June | Friday, 2 June 08:30–10:30 103A, Messukeskus
| FIG Presidents’ Meeting Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, Denmark
This event is convened by the FIG President and is
reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation of
Member Associations (or their representatives)
| Friday, 2 June 10:30–11:00 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Morning Break | Friday, 2 June 11:00–15:00 101, Messukeskus
| FIG General Assembly - part 2 Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
Item 25: FIG task force on commission structure [handouts]
Item 26:
reports from FIG task forces Item 27: reports from -
Association -
Affiliate -
Reginal bodies
Corporate members forum Item 28:
reports from
Networks -
Permanent institutions
FIG foundation
Other working week activties
Item 29: reports from commissions [handouts] Item 30:
other issues Item 31: report on the FIG working week 2020
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands [handouts] Item 32: report on the FIGworking
week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam [handouts] Item 33: report on the FIG congress
2018 in Istanbul, Turkey Item 34: closing [handouts]
| Friday, 2 June 15:30–16:30 Winter Garden, Messukeskus
| Farewell Reception, hosted by FIG Congress 2018
Delegates are invited to farewell the Working Week 2017 and its host city in an informal environment. Join us as we toast to a successful event and at the same time have a taste of FIG Congress 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey.
- All participants are invited.
- Hosted by FIG Working Week 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
© International Federation of
Surveyors, FIG 2017 |